Seminário Temático Doutoral II. Média e Mediações Culturais
Cod: 43011
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Social Sciences
Total working hours: 260
Total contact time: 40

The first goal of the course is the acquisition of conceptual and theoretical knowledge to ensure understanding of the cultures and the analysis of culture as increasingly relational , plural and conscious of its historicity, by means of paying close attention to critical local features, particularly the passions , conflicts and cultural clashes , but also the global (cosmopolitan ) as multisited mesh of networks ond the movements of the actors from local to transnational ( migration , tourism , movement of goods, virtual social networks , telecommunications ) . This will require a research methodology that takes into account the attention to detail - ethnographic detail , and to global – poetic and politics of cultural representation and understandings . So it becomes necessary to recover the traditional methods of anthropology in local studies and new methods of anthropology of hypermobility - multisited anthropology, media anthropology , anthropology virtual ( digital) and field work in many different situations .

Cultural Mediations
Visual Anthropology
Digital Anthropology

Acquisition of theoretical and conceptual foundations necessary for understanding UC course contents  contents and media, mediations and cultural concepts . Developing interpretive skills arising from the need to reconsider the appropriateness of anthropological research methodologies to new fields, contexts , social and cultural practices ( participatory methods , visual and sound methodologies , visual culture and sound , virtual environments , etc. ) and how this practice constitutes a mobile and multisited ethnography.
Put into practice skills of critical analysis , evaluation and synthesis, new and complex ideas aimed to solve problems and original scientific research : case studies and design and development of projects and actions .
Develop research skills, self-learning and the promotion of scientific culture and mediation : looking for training resources , research of sociall and cultural dynamics technologically mediated.

(Re) configurations of culture in the technological age: local experience (critical points of the site) and cosmopolitanism (multissited detail of transnational networks and actors).
Specific methodologies: visual and sound anthropology, virtual anthropology, anthropology of media, participatory methodologies.
Images, voices and sounds of migration.
Interculturalism and technological mediation – media Convergence, development of cyberculture, culture and society (communities) technologically mediated.
Images, Culture and local development - social and cultural changes, endogenous and exogenous factors (return of migrants, the presence of immigrants, tourism, media and global economy and other forms of "hypermobility"), insertion of local action in global contexts, local imaginary in today's society (risk society).
Culture, technology and knowledge mediation: reflexivity and reflexive social institutions.

BALL S. & GILLIGAN C., (2010) Visualising Migration and Social Division, FQS, Vol 11, No 2
BARBERO, J. M. (1987) De los medios a las mediaciones, Barcelona: Gilli
BELTING, H. (2001) Pour une anthropologie des images, Paris: Galimard
BERGOLD, J & THOMAS S. (2012) Participatory Research Methods, FQS, Vol 13, No 1
DOMÍNGUEZ, D., BEAULIEU A, (2007) Virtual Ethnography, FQS Vol 8, No. 3
FISCHER, M. (2011) Futuros Antropológicos, Rio de Janeiro: Zahar
KNOBLAUCH, H, BAER, A. , (2008) Visual Methods, FQS, Vol 9, No 3
LAPLANTINE, F. (2007) Leçons de cinéma pour notre époque,  Téraédre
MACDOUGALL, D. (1998), Transcultural cinema, Princeton University Press
PIAULT, M-H. (2000), Antropologie et Cinéma, Paris: Nathan
PINK, S. (2006) The Future of Visual Anthropology, Oxon:Routledge
RIBEIRO, J. S. (2007) Métodos e técnicas de investigação em Antropologia, Lisboa: UAb
RIBEIRO, J. S. e BAIRON, S. (2007) Antropologia Visual e Hipermedia, Ed. Afrontamento
SANDERCOCK, Leonie, ATTILI, Giovanni (Eds.) (2010) Multimedia Explorations in Urban Policy and Planning, Springer.
SHOHAT, E. e STAM, R. (2002) Multiculturalismo, cine y medios de comunicación, Barcelona: Paidós


The learning assessment will be based on continuous assessment of individual and group activities. The final evaluation results of weighing various elements of evaluation: quality of participation in discussion forums; individual and group work critical readings and essays (50%); individual final paper (50%).