Seminário Temático Doutoral II. Interculturalidade e Artes
Cod: 43010
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Social Sciences
Total working hours: 260
Total contact time: 40

The aim of this curricular unit is for students to acquire theoretical and conceptual foundations to analyse, using different objects, the relationship between the field of the arts and culture and phenomena of interculturality in the today’s world. The main aim is to provide the critical capacity to understand what role creativity and aesthetics play in how different communities and cultures express themselves and relate to one another, both in terms of the practices in these communities and the institutions which implement them. To this end, the aim is for students to acquire a set of concepts and be able to analyse the research areas that have contributed to the analysis of the role of art and symbolic production as phenomena of identity. Related to all these topics is the debate regarding symbolic and identity focussed interactions, dialogues and conflicts, which contribute to the analysis of aspects of interculturality.


1. To understand and articulate the key theories and debates on culture and the arts.
2. To understand culture and the arts in articulation with the processes of globalization and interculturality in contemporary societies.
3. To problematize and formulate well sustained judgements on the approached themes.
4. To be able to apply acquired knowledge to case studies namely on the Portuguese context.

1.Culture and Society
1.1 – What is culture? Main theories and debates in social science
1.2 – Notions and aspects of culture
1.3 – Cultural policies and industries
1.4 – Cultural production, ethnic and national identity
1.5 – Case studies
2.Art and Society
2.1 – What is art? Main theories and debates in social science
2.2 – The worlds and field of artistic production
2.3 - Systems, agents and events
2.4 – Case studies
3.1 - Globalisation: basic notions and main aspects
3.2 – Cultural globalisation
3.3 – Media, new media and globalisation
3.4 – Case studies
4. Interculturality in the arts and culture
4.1 - Diaspora, migrations and asthaetic-cultural expression
4.2 – Cultural mescegenation and hybridism
4.3 - Art, culture and local entrepreneurship
4.4 – Case studies

BOURDIEU, Pierre (1993), The Field of Cultural Production, Cambridge, Polity.
CAMPOS, Ricardo (2010), Porque pintamos a cidade? Uma abordagem etnográfica ao graffiti urbano, Lisboa: Fim de Século
CAMPOS, Ricardo, NUNES, Pedro, SIMÕES, José Alberto (2005), “Entre subculturas e neo-tribos: propostas de análise dos circuitos culturais juvenis. O caso da música rap e do hip-hop” in Fórum Sociológico 13/14 (2ª série), pp.171-189.
CUCHE, Denys (1999), A noção de cultura nas Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Fim de Século Edições.
HALL, Stuart (2004), A identidade cultural na pós-modernidade, Rio de Janeiro, DP&A Editora
LULL, James (2000), Media, communication, culture – a global approach, Cambridge, Polity Press
TOTTA, Ana Lisa (2000), A Sociologia da Arte. Do museu tradicional à arte multimédia, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa
WARNIER, Jean-Pierre (1999), A mundialização da cultura, Lisboa, Editorial Notícias,

The evaluation of learning will be based on continuous assessment of individual and group activities. The final evaluation is based on weighing various assessment elements: quality of participation in discussion forums; individual and group work (critical reading and essays) and final individual work.