Seminário Temático Doutoral I. Intervenção Social em Contextos Interculturais
Cod: 43007
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Social Sciences
Total working hours: 260
Total contact time: 40

This seminar has as main objective: to critically analyse some specific features of social intervention in various intercultural contexts. Specific objectives: 1. To deconstruct the concept of social intervention in the context of the social science system; 2. To analyse sociocultural mediation strategies in the context of migration in a globalized urban space; 3. To analyse systems of social intervention in an intergenerational context; 4. To analyse systems of social intervention in different intercultural contexts, taking the Gypsies in Portugal as paradigmatic case study.

Social intervention
Intervention contexts
Intergeracional relations

In terms of individual learning, the PhD student should independently carry out a series of readings, research and activities on the various programme themes, based on the literature, learning resources and guidance provided by teachers. As regards group work, this is developed via interaction and dialogue between students to promote and encourage working together, exchange, debate and negotiation of ideas and the ability to acquire, produce and transmit knowledge in a group setting.

1. Social intervention: conceptual questions
1.1. Culture, social sciences and social intervention
1.2. Concepts, sub-systems, scales and domains of social intervention
1.3. The sociology of intervention
2. Modern societies and intervention contexts
2.1. Migratory flows and cultural miscegenation in globalised societies
2.2. Areas of intercultural intervention and the stigmatisation of social and urban space
2.3. Sociocultural mediation as an intervention tool
3. Social intervention and intergenerational relations
3.1. A conceptual map of intergenerational relations
3.2. Education for citizenship and intergenerational relations
3.3. Case study
4. Action in different intercultural contexts: the case of Gypsies  in Portugal
4.1.Sociocultural and economic profile of the Gypsies
4.2.Integration and social exclusion of Gypsies in Portugal
4.3. Gypsies and social policies: ongoing process.
5. Final Assignment

Carmo, H., 2007, 2008, Desenvolvimento comunitário, Intervenção social com grupos Lx, UAb
Carmo, H., 2011, Teoria da política social: um olhar da ciência política, Lx, ISCSP
Jacob, Luís, 2012, Animação de idosos: novas atividades, Almeirim, RUTIS
Lages, Mário Ferreira e Matos, Artur Teodoro (2008), Portugal: Percursos de interculturalidade, Lx, ACIDI, 4 volumes
Magano, Olga, 2010, Tracejar vidas “normais”: estudo qualitativo sobre a integração de indivíduos de origem cigana na
sociedade portuguesa, Lx, UAb
Malheiros, J.M., 2011, Promoção da Interculturalidade e da integração de proximidade, Lx, ACIDI
OMS, 2009, Guia global das cidades amigas das pessoas idosas, Lx, FC Gulbenkian
Paúl, C. et al, 2012, Manual de Gerontologia, Porto, LIDEL


The assessment of learning on this course will be based on continuous assessment of individual and group activities. The final evaluation is based on weighing various assessment elements: quality of participation in discussion forums, individual and group work (critical reading and essays); final individual work.