Seminário de Investigação (DCTW)
Cod: 23046
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Research Methods
Total working hours: 135
Total contact time: 34

It is intended to develop in students the knowledge and competences to conduct scientific work. From the distinction between scientific and non-scientific knowledge, the field of Web Science and Technology and the research processes will be presented. Subsequently, the students will contact the most common methods to conduct scientific research, and become able to identify the assumptions, virtues and limitations of each method, as well as the potential complementarities.

Research Methods
Data collection and analysis
Scientific Writing

Upon completing this curricular unit, the student should be able to:
- Distinguish the characteristics and nature of scientific and technological knowledge;
- Discriminate various approaches and research methods, and their applicability to different types of research problems;
- Differentiate the different research practices in areas related to Web Science and Technology, under the perspective of information systems and technology, software engineering, and computer science;
- Create and evaluate a research project proposal.

1. Science and epistemology
2. Research methodologies in Web Science and Technology: theories, models, and practices
3. Methods for data collection and analysis
4. Systematic methods for searching scientific information;
5. Techniques for drafting scientific texts
6. Techniques and practice to create, present, and defend research projects
7. Ethics, Research, and Society

  • Shneiderman, B. (2007). Web Science: A Provocative Invitation to Computer Science. Communications of the ACM, 50 (6), 25-27.
  • Hendler, J.; Shadbolt, N.; Hall, W.; Berners-Lee, T.; & Weitzner, D. (2008). Web Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Web. Communications of the ACM, 51 (7), 60-69.
  • Berners-Lee, T.; Hall, W.; Hendler, J.A.; O’Hara, K.; Shadbolt, N.; & Weitzner, D.J. (2006). A Framework for Web Science. Foundations and Trends in Web Science, 1 (1), 1-130.
  • Creswell, J.W. (2008). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (3rd edition). Los Angeles, USA: Sage.
  • Olivier, M.S. (2009). Information Technology Research - A Practical Guide for Computer Science and Informatics, Third edition. Pretoria, South Africa: Van Schaik.
  • VV.AA. (1997). Práticas e métodos de investigação em Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva.

Philips, E. (2000). How to Get a PhD: A Handbook for Students and Their Supervisors. London, UK: Open University Press.

Assessment encompasses a continuous dimension based on the quality of the questions and issues that the student presents to the faculty and class; the criticism drawn from a sample research project. The weighting of learning assessment factors and criteria will be subject to negotiation between faculty and students.

The online teaching-learning process Through the e-learning platform follows a collaborative learning approach. The student’s personal Computer is the individual laboratory space, for experimenting and developing the proposed activities, and the channel for communication and sharing within the virtual classroom. It is based on the individual and group critical analysis of scientific texts, including an example of a research project provided by the faculty, from where an individual synthesis will result. Learning will include discussion and analysis of research processes, methodologies, and practices, on an online forum.