Seminário de Aprofundamento Teórico
Cod: 33005
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: History
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 60

In this seminar we analyze the theoretical and conceptual tools necessary to approach the areas of heritage studies and cultural powers, representations and practices. It is through historical knowledge that we study the several topics that are analyzed throughout this seminar.

Cultural Practices

This curricular unit aims to:
- analyze critically the delivered topics;
- reflect on the safeguarding of heritage and the role of archeology in order to develop a critical view of ideologies and heritage policies;
- research in the field of historical studies focusing the Heritage Studies;
- systematize the  diachronic conceptualization  of  the idea of power with a  focus on the representations and cultural practices;
- problematize the studies concerned with powers, representations, and cultural practices. 

This curricular unit approaches 6 topics :
1-Towards the concept of heritage studies;
2-Historiographing heritage studies;
3-Methodologies and heritage practices; 
4-Representation or the semiology of a concept
5-Powers and cultural practices: traditions, memories, Identities;
6-For an episteme of accurancy: some pathways.

Bibliography and moodle platform texts :
Avelar, Ana Paula,Representações de um mundo novo no Portugal de Quinhentos, Lisboa, Cosmos, 2010.
AUDRERIE, Dominique, La notion et la protection du patrimoine, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1997.
BABELON, Jean-Pierre e CHASTEL, André, La notion de patrimoine, s.l., Liana Levi, 1994
BREINSACH, Ernest, On the Future of History -The Posmodernist challenge and its aftermath, Chicago, chicago University Press, 2003.
CARMAN, John, ed all, Heritages Studies , Ney York, Taylor and Francis , 2009.
CATROGA, Fernando, Caminhos do fim da História, Coimbra, Quarteto, 2003
CHOAY, Françoise, A Alegoria do Património, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2007 (Col. Arte e Comunicação, 71).
CUNNINGHAM, Allen ed. Modern Movement Heritage, New York, 1988.
ELIAS, Norbert, La Civilisation des moeurs, Paris, Calmant Lévy, 1991
EAGLETON, Terry, The Idea of Culture, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2000.
GONZÁLEZ-VARAS, Ignacio, Conservación de Bienes Culturales. Teoría, historia,principios y normas, Madrid, Ediciones Cátedra, 1999.
HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Francisca, El patrimonio cultural: la memoria recuperada, Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2002 (Col. Biblioteconomia y Administración Cultural, 60).
JOLY, Martine, Introdução à Análise da Imagem, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1999.
JOKILEHTO, Jukka, A History of Architectural Conservation, Oxford, Butterworth, 1999.
LENIAUD, Jean-Michel, Les Archipels du passé. Le patrimoine et son histoire, Paris, Fayard, 2002.
MAIA, Maria Helena, Património e Restauro em Portugal (1825-1880), Lisboa, Edições Colibri / IHA da FCSH da UNL, 2007.
MARIN, Louis, On representation, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2001.
MULHERN, Francis, Culture/Metaculture, London and New York, 2000.
MUNSLOW, Alun, Deconstructing History, London and New York, Routledge,1997.
NORA, Pierre, (dir.), Science et Conscience du Patrimoine, Actes des Entretiens du Patrimoine, Paris, Fayard / Éditions du patrimoine, 1997.
POULOT Dominique, Une histoire du patrimoine en Occident, Paris, PUF, 2006.
      Patrimoine et Modernité, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1988.
RECHT, Roland, Penser le patrimoine. Mise en scène et mise en ordre de l'art, Paris, Hazan, 2008.
RICOEUR, Paul, La mémoire , L'Histoire, l'oubli, Paris, Editions do Seuil, 2000.
RUSSELL, Ian ed. Images, Representations and Heritage, New York, Springer, 2006.
SCHAER, Roland, L’invention des musées, Paris, Gallimard / CNMHS, 1993.
SIRINELLI, Jean-François e RIOUX, Jean-Pierre, Para uma História Cultural,Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1998.
SMITH, Laurajane ed, Uses of Heritage,New York , Routledge, 2006


The curricular unit is anchored in the study, understanding and personal reflection, and collaborative work. The final evaluation ponders on the continual evaluation and final summative . Each activity instructions specify the debates and individual assignments objectives and procedures, and evaluate the knowledge of concepts, and synthesis skills.  The individual assignments are reading summaries, commentaries, reviews, outline of the final research report, research reports. In collaborative work forums students are invited to interact with their colleagues and with the teacher, and debate readings, build synthesis, and clarify doubts. We evaluate the identification of main and accessory issues, and the problematization and relevance of the arguments. Eventually students work on their outline of the final research report, and we evaluate the theme analysis and framework, the adequate use of concepts, the theoretical grounding, the research, the critical reflection and problematization.

Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet connection and an e-mail address as well as to have computer literacy from the users' perspective.
Language(s) of Instruction: Portuguese.
Languages of the bibliography: Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.