Seminário de Aprofundamento Metodológico
Cod: 33011
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: History
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 60

This seminar will critically analyse how to write a thesis in the area of heritage and historical studies, and will discuss the conceptual, methodological and formal prerequisites for a doctoral thesis. The necessary balance between topics, methodologies and sources will be examined, also paying attention to the necessary reformulations to be taken into account during the process of writing a PhD thesis. The path that doctoral students follow along the semester involves the detailed analysis of academic work in the area of History.

Academic work

-Ability to critically analyse works in the field of historical studies and heritage.
-Mastery of the formal techniques of constructing a research project.
-Evaluate the necessary balance between the topics ,the sources and the deadline for writing a PhD thesis.
-Ability to relate methodological approaches with the themes and chronologies under study.
-Domain of conceptual and methodological tools to to fulfill in the preparation of a doctoral thesis.

This curricular unit approaches 3 topics
1. Documental Sources : Archives and Libraries;
2.The Stages of an investigation;
3. Methodologies of Historical and Heritage Studies

Bibliography and moodle platform texts
ALCINA FRANCH, José – Aprender a investigar. Métodos de trabajo para la redacción de tesis doctorales (Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales). Madrid: Compañia Literaria, 1994.
ARGAN, Giulio Carlo, Fagiolo, Maurízio, Guia da História da Arte, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1992
ARENAS, José Fernandez, Teoria y Metodologia de la História del Arte, Barcelona, 1986.
AZEVEDO, Mário -Teses, relatórios e trabalhos escolares. 6ª ed.. Lisboa: Universidade Católica, 2008.
CARVALHO, J. Eduardo - Metodologia do Trabalho Científico, “Saber-Fazer” da investigação para dissertações e tese., Lisboa: Escolar Editora, 2002.
CHAVARRÍA OLARTE, Marcela; VILLALOBOS, Marveya - Orientaciones para la elaboración y presentación de tesis. México: Trillas, 1993.
FRADA, João José Cúcio – Guia prático para elaboração e apresentação de trabalhos científicos. 3.ª ed.. Lisboa: Cosmos, 1993.
LAMOUR, Henri – Technique de la dissertation. Guide complet de la dissertation dans le STAPS. Paris: PUF, 1990.
PAIVA, Lucília - Referências bibliográficas e citações: Como fazer? (Norma Portuguesa), disponível em 
SERRÃO, Vitor -  A Cripto- História de Arte, Livros Horizonte, Lisboa 2001.
SILVA, Augusto Santos & Pinto José Madureira (org.) - Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Porto: Ed. Afrontamento, 2007.
VIEGAS, Waldyr - Fundamentos Lógicos da Metodologia Científica. 3ª ed, Brasília: Editora da Universidade de Brasília, 2007.


The curricular unit is anchored in the study, understanding and personal reflection, and collaborative work. The final evaluation ponders on the continual evaluation and final summative . Each activity instructions specify the debates and individual assignments objectives and procedures, and evaluate the knowledge of concepts, and synthesis skills.  The individual assignments are reading summaries, commentaries, reviews, outline of the final research report, research reports. In collaborative work forums students are invited to interact with their colleagues and with the teacher, and debate readings, build synthesis, and clarify doubts. We evaluate the identification of main and accessory issues, and the problematization and relevance of the arguments. Eventually students work on their outline of the final research report, and we evaluate the theme analysis and framework, the adequate use of concepts, the theoretical grounding, the research, the critical reflection and problematization.

Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet connection and an e-mail address as well as to have computer literacy from the users' perspective.
Language(s) of Instruction: Portuguese.
Languages of the bibliography: Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.