Interpersonal Relations: Agents, Intentionalities and Educational Contexts
Cod: 12033
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 182
Total contact time: 36

The reconfiguration of the dynamics of social relations and personal interaction, in educational contexts, demands new competences from education professionals. Thus, firstly, this course unit intends to analyse the main models in the study of interpersonal relations. Secondly, it explores and differentiates viewpoints of these models in the interpretation of specific aspects of interpersonal relations, namely rituals of personal interaction, intentionalities, dynamics of creation, consolidation and group dispersion. Finally, it explores the means of regulation of interpersonal relations, in the context of teaching and training.


Students are expected to be able to identify the theoretical frameworks which support different models of interpersonal relationships and to identify and propose intervention strategies in the group and didactic relations between teachers and students, in school contexts. Students are also expected to be able to characterize different types of conflict and think on different intervention strategies, appropriate to the specificities of each particular context.

- Debates on interpersonal relations; interpersonal attraction.
- Communicative approach to interpersonal relations- symbolic interactionism, Palo Alto.
- Agents, internationalities and educational contexts: a dialogic approach of interactions.
-  Conflict and intervention for the development in and of the school.
- Communities, collective thinking and joint activity in virtual educational scenes.

- Costa, E.; Matos, P. (2007). Abordagem sistémica do conflito. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
- Griffin, E. (2006). A First Look at Communication Theory. McGraw-Hill (6ª ed.)
- Neto, F. (2000). Psicologia Social (vol.II). Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
* Other references are proposed  in the Virtual Classroom.


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

Reading comptence in English and basic IT competences are required.