Psicologia da Família
Cod: 41049
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Psychology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit briefly summarises contents on the definition, history and evaluation of the family concept. It proceeds with the discussion of issues concerning marital life, including aspects of the couple's life cycle and marital relationship. Afterwards it introduces paternity issues, which integrate topics concerning the function and styles of parental figures and children's education. Finally, it examines the family as a micro-system of the surrounding society.

Family Concept
Family systems and sub-systems
Family functioning models
Family educational role

Mastery of basic knowledge that enabling students to know and understand aspects related to:
• the notion of family and its evolution its evolution and functioning;
• marital life, marital relationship and family life cycle;
• the family as the first socializing entity of the child;
• family's role in society.

1. Family: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives
2. Family system: structure, functions, communication, functional mechanisms, stress and family crisis
3. Family development: change and life cycle
4. Conjugality
5. Parenthood, educational function sibling relationships
6. Family and intergenerationality
7. Family, society and interculturality
8. Family system: functionality and dysfunctionality

Alarcão, M. (2000). (des)Equilíbrios Familiares.  Quarteto.
Barker, P. (2000). Fundamentos da Terapia Familiar. Coimbra: Climepsi.  
Barros, J. (2002). Psicologia da Família.  Universidade Aberta
Francisco, R., Pinto, J. C., & Pinto, H. R. (2016). Família e Psicologia. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora.
Gronita, J. (2008) O Anúncio da Deficiência da Criança e suas Implicações Familiares e Psicológicas. Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação,

Ramos, N. (2012). Família e maternidade em contexto migratório e intercultural. In Ramos, N., Mendes, E., Silva; A.I., Porfirio, J. (Org.). Família, Educação e Desenvolvimento no séc. XXI. Olhares Interdisciplinares. IPP, ESEP, p. 21-28 (E-Book).

Ramos, N., Marujo, M. & Baptista, A. (2012). A voz dos avós. Migração, Memória e património cultural. Lisboa: Pro Dignitate.

Rebelo, L. (2007). Genograma Familia. O bisturi do médico de família. Revista Portuguesa de Medicina Geral e Familiar, [S.l.], v. 23, n. 3, p. 309-17,

Relvas, A. P. (2004). O ciclo vital da família. Perspetiva sistémica (3ª ED.).   Edições Afrontamento.
Relvas, A. P., & Major, S. (2014). Avaliação Familiar. Fundamentos e Intervenção.    Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Williams, F. (2010). Repensar as famílias.  Princípia.

(Bibliografia adicional disponibilizada na turma virtual)



Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

It is crucial that students consult frequently the couse in: