Psicologia Comunitária
Cod: 41108
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Psychology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit provides theoretical and methodological knowledge of Community Psychology. It endows students with skills to promote well-being and development of the populations, particularly of individuals and groups who are in psychological and social vulnerability. Thus, it enables students to develop professional and scientific activity in the field of assessment and community social intervention. It fits the intervention in different community contexts. The thematic focus on active and collaborative participation of individuals and populations, the feeling of belonging to a community, community participation and involvement, empowerment, community leadership and the development of informal and formal social support networks. Individuals, groups and professionals are understood in their socio ecological contexts and such as co-actors of social intervention policies and psychosocial intervention programs.

Psychological and social vulnerability

  • Capacity to analyse critically and prudently and based on evidence, goals, methods and strategies outlined in the context of a community intervention program
  • Mastery of drawing up processes, implementation and evaluation of community projects
  • Mastery of intervention strategies and techniques in personal and contextual systems, considering the respective objectives, change processes and efficiency
  • Aptitude to interact with suitable psychosocial and ecological-cultural competence
  • Ability to foresee the suitability of the strategies to the needs of individuals, populations and intervention contexts

  • Theoretical fundamentals of Community Psychology
  • Ecology and Community Psychology
  • Structures, processes and characteristics of Community intervention
  • Practice in Community Psychology
  • Research in Community Psychology

Bandeira, A., Marques, M. J., Cunha, P., & Ranchordas P. (2007).  Projectos de Inovação Comunitária. Manual de Suporte à Implementação da Metodologia. Centro Ismaili.

González, A. M. (Coord) (2001). Psicología comunitaria. Fundamentos y aplicaciones. Madrid: Síntesis
Gronita, J., Bernardo, A., Marques, J. e Matos, C. (2011) Intervenção Precoce. O processo de construção de Boas Práticas.  Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Disponível em:

Gronita, J., Pimentel, J., Matos, C., Bernardo e A., Marques, J. (2016). E quando atendemos crianças... diferentes. Como podem os profissionais orientar as famílias com criança com deficiência. (2ª Ed.)  Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Disponível: http://

Menezes, I. (2010). Intervenção comunitária. Uma perspetiva Psicológica, (2ª Ed).  Levpsic.
Ornelas, J. (2008). Psicologia Comunitária.  Fim do Século.

Sánchez-Vidal, A. (2007) Manual de Psicología Comunitária: Un enfoque integrado.  Ediciones Pirámide.
(Further reading available in the virtual classroom)


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Os(as) estudantes devem consultar com regularidade a página da unidade curricular: