Princípios de Didáctica
Cod: 11028
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course aims to promote reflection about the foundations of educational practices. From the analysis of the social function of teaching, different conceptions of learning and the role of the teacher and the student, criteria for the development of didactic sequences are defined.

The first theme is intended to promote the development of a critical perspective on the importance of equity and differentiation in teaching, relating the didactic options of the educator with the effectiveness of the learning process, considering the analysis of the social function of teaching, different conceptions of learning processes as well as the challenges that educational institutions face today. In the second phase, the foundations of different teaching models are presented and analysed to compare and reflect on the relevance of the application of a repertoire of differentiated practices in specific contexts. In the third theme, the foundations of activity planning are interpreted, and objectives are formulated, aiming at the design of contextualised and theoretically grounded activity proposals.




Teaching and learning strategies

At the end of this program, it is expected that the student has developed the following skills:

1. To critically analyse different perspectives on education, teaching, and learning relating them to the social role of education.

2. To understand the concept of equity in education relating it to diversity and educational differentiation.

3. To recognize that the educator can trigger change through their didactic choices

4. To develop a critical perspective on the diversity of teaching models using the most appropriate for each learning situation.

5. To plan, implement and evaluate educational activities, considering local constraints and educational objectives, substantiating their options from a theoretical point of view.

1. The social function of teaching and the design of learning processes

1.1. Social function of teaching: historical perspectives on teaching and learning;

1.2. Teaching Challenges for the 21st Century

1.3. Equity in education; diversity in the classroom; differentiated teaching

2. Teaching models

2.1. Teacher-centered approach: empirical and theoretical foundations;

2.2. Student-centered approach: theoretical and empirical foundations

3. Planning Educational Activities

3.1. Fundamentals of Educational Planning

3.2. Learning objectives: general and specific objectives, taxonomies of educational objectives;

3.3. Design of educational activities: theoretical basis, adequacy, feasibility and coherence

Arends, R. (2008). Aprender a Ensinar. McGrawHil.

Carneiro, R. (2007). Descobrir o tesouro. Comunicação & Cultura, 3, 145-156.

Formosinho. J. & Machado, J. (2012). Autonomia da escola, organização pedagógica e equipas educativas. In I. Fialho & J. Verdasca (Orgs.), TurmaMais e Sucesso Escolar: fragmentos de um percurso (p. 45-57). Centro de Investigação em Educação e Psicologia da Universidade de Évora.

Nóvoa, A. (2011). Pedagogia: a terceira margem do rio. Conferência - Que Currículo para o Século XXI (p. 39-49). Assembleia da República, Divisão de Edições.

Nóvoa, A. (2012). Pensar alunos, professores, escolas, políticas. Educação Cultura e Sociedade, 2(2), 7-17.

Pacheco, J. A. (2008). Notas sobre a diversificação/diferenciação curricular em Portugal. InterMeio, 14(28), 178-187.


Rodrigues, D. (2014). Pensar utopicamente a educação. Vídeo TEDxLisboaED

Rodrigues, D. (2014). Inclusão nas escolas: Quanto maior a excelência, maior a equidade. Ciclo de Conferências em Educação, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, Torre do Tombo, Lisboa, 15 e 16 de Outubro.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).