Practice of translation: English-Portuguese
Cod: 31359
Department: DH
Scientific area: translation
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

In this course unit, we will examine the practice of translation, raising awareness of the processes, techniques, and difficulties inherent in the transfer of linguistic signs from English to the Portuguese languages. In doing so, we will consider a diverse range of discursive forms, registers and communicational contexts. Through practice, we will seek to become fluent in various theoretical aspects in the act of translation. Thus, our individual and collective practice will be accompanied by a series of theoretical readings on translation and meta-linguistic reflections and comparative analyses carried out in translation forums and moments of individual assessment.

Having successfully completed the course unit students are expected to have acquired the following competencies:

· to be able to analyse non-literary texts in light of the translation to be carried out;
· to be able to identify the specificity of the literary text in the context of its translation;
· to be able to identify markers of cultural diversity in the text to be translated;
· to have acquired basic analytical competences of factors relevant to the translation process;
· to have acquired basic skills used in computer-assisted translation;
· to be familiar with the deontological rules of the translating profession;
· to be able to translate short texts—covering a range of different registers, genres, and aims—from
  English into Portuguese.

In this course unit, the following topics will be considered:

Topic 1: The act of translating
Topic 2: The journalistic text
Topic 3: The political text
Topic 4: The academic text
Topic 5: The advertising text
Topic 6: The humorous text
Topic 7: The literary text

Barrento, João. O Poço de Babel: Para uma poética da tradução literária. Lisboa: Relógio D'Água, 2002.

Munday, Jeremy. Introdução aos Estudos de Tradução: Teorias e aplicações. Lisboa: Edições Pedago, 2012.

Other readings:

Texts to be translated and other theoretical readings will be provided via the learning platform.

The mandatory evaluation method is continuous assessment.
Continuous Assessment:
– 40%: work carried out throughout the semester, corresponding to two e-Folios (e-Folio A and e-Folio B), submitted via the virtual classroom.
– 60%: Completion of a final written assignment, referred to as the e-Folio Global.

A prerequisite for enrolment in this course unit is competence in English at the C1 level of the QECR (i.e. the completion of English V or equivalent).

Language(s) of Instruction: Portuguese.

Contact for virtual mobility students: Communication and International Relations Office –