Prática da Tradução: Espanhol-Português
Cod: 31368
Department: DH
Scientific area: translation
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course aims to develop skills related to Spanish-Portuguese translation, approached from both a theoretical and practical perspective, with particular emphasis on modern translation practices.

Translation skills will be generally explored from various linguistic and cultural perspectives. Additionally, the course will address the unique relationship between Spanish and Portuguese as closely related languages and cultures.

Students will develop fundamental skills in the translation process, which will be applied through practical exercises across diverse formats and textual genres. A selection of texts (written and audiovisual) will be used to explore different genres, thematic areas, and formats within the context of translation. Special attention will be given to the linguistic and cultural nuances that shape the translation process in each context.

A key component of the course will be reflection on the act of translating, aimed at deepening the understanding of both the internal and external translation processes.

Simultaneously, students will use computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools to help translators automate, optimise, and enhance their professional practice.

Finally, the course will encourage practical reflection on the ethical considerations of transforming an original text into its translated counterpart. 

Língua e cultura espanhola

- Critical reflection on the problematization of translation.

- Search, select and discriminate sources of the translation.

- Identify the dangers and advantages of translation in related languages and cultures.

- Optimize the practice of professional translation.

- Reflection on the most appropriate decision-making for the context and communicative objective.

- Awareness of the code of ethics in translation

1      The translation: definition, concepts involved and idiosyncratic characteristics.

2.      Tools to support translation.

3.      Translate kindred languages and cultures.

4.      Translate into different genres.

5.      Translation of cultural expression


(Other theoretical and practical references will be provided throughout the course.)

Albir, A. H. (2001). Traducción y traductología. Cátedra.

Asensio, R. M. (1999). La traducción de referencias culturales. Sendebar: Revista de la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación, (10), 67-88.

Bassnett, Susan (2003). Estudos de Tradução. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Briones, A. (2002) “Dificultades de la traducción portugués-español vistas a través de la lingüística contrastiva”, Actas del IX Congreso Brasileño de Profesores de Español, Brasília: Consejería de Educación. Embaixada da Espanha, pp. 59-68

Duarte, João Ferreira (org.) (2001). A tradução nas Encruzilhadas da Cultura. Lisboa: Colibri. 

Eco, Humberto (2005). Dizer Quase a Mesma Coisa. Sobre a Tradução. Miraflores: Difel. 

Garcia Yebra, V (2006), Experiencias de un traductor. Madrid: Gredos.

García-Medall, J. (2000). Hermēneus. Revista de Traducción e Interpretación Núm. 2-Año 2000 Traducción español-portugués: lagunas y perspectivas.

Munday, Jeremy. Introdução aos Estudos de Tradução: Teorias e aplicações. Lisboa: Edições Pedago, 2012.

Newmark, P., & Moya, V. (1992). Manual de traducción. Cátedra.

Pinilla, J. (2017). ¿Por qué es útil la teoría de la traducción para los traductores?. Revista Conexão Letras, 12(17). doi:


The mandatory evaluation regime is continuous evaluation, consisting of two e-folios (written assignments in digital format), throughout the academic semester, and a final moment of Global e-folio evaluation (e-folio G), to take place at the end of the semester, with a weight of, respectively, 40% (sum of the three e-folios) and 60% in the final classification.

The prerequisite for enrolment in this course is Spanish language proficiency at the C1 level of the CEFR (i.e., completion of the course unit Spanish V or its equivalent).