Património Integrado
Cod: 32015
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Heritage Studies
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 25

This course unit features and evaluates the concept of integrated heritage, examining its artistic dimension in the context of Portuguese Baroque (17th-18th centuries). Some case studies will be introduced, proving to be integrated and articulated readings on religious and secular environments, along with artistic pieces of this period.

Obra de Arte Total
Talha e Estuque
Embutidos Marmóreos

Use critically the fundamental concepts of integrated heritage, promote reflection on the concept of heritage and study the artistic heritage; understand the diversity of the concept of heritage, promoting their recognition in Portuguese territory; develop research  and produce knowledge within the course.

It is intended that the course contents are consistent with the objectives of this course. Is looking for students to develop skills in critical reflection. The contents are discussed based on the query, reading, interpretation and research bibliography of specialty:
Based on these purposes were selected 5 THEMES

Theme 1 - Introduction to the course. Concepts, framework and context.
Theme 2 - The Art of Carving in the baroque space
Theme 3 - Built-marbled
Theme 4  - Decorative plasters
Theme 5 - The Tile: Triumph and Example of transversal concept of Integrated Heritage 

Bibliography: along the course will be provided updated supplementary bibliography for each topic.

PEREIRA, Fernando António Baptista , História da Arte Portuguesa, época moderna, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, 1991, pp.23-25
PEREIRA, José Fernandes, " O Barroco do século XVII: transição e mudança. A História de um conceito estilístico" in História da Arte Portuguesa, Círculo dos Leitores, Lisboa,1998, pp.11-12.
PEREIRA, Paulo, Arte Portuguesa. História essencial, Temas e Debates, Círculo dos Leitores, Lisboa 2011  ( capítulos 11,12, 13 e 14)
MOURA, Carlos, " O sentido do Barroco na arte seiscentista e do início do século XVIII" in História da Arte em Portugal, edições Alfa, Lisboa, Lisboa, 1989.
MACMILLAN, Ingrid, " Gesamtkunstwerk" in Dicionary of Art, Edited bj Jane Turner, Grove, Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1996, pp. 496-498
SOBRAL, Luis Moura, " Um Bel Composto: a obra de arte total do primeiro barroco potuguês in Struggle for Synthesis. A Obra de Arte Total nos séculos XVII e XVIII. Simpósio Internacional, Dezembro 1999, pp. 303-331



Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet broadband connection and e-mail account.