Organização e Gestão da Formação
Cod: 12071
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 182
Total contact time: 40

This course unit addresses the training of teachers, in terms of continuing education, now regarded as a strategic factor of change, combining the development of individual teachers in developing the quality of the school. The contents are intended to provide information and means of analysis on the field of teacher education and its implications with educational models as well as strategies for organizing and animating. It helps students to pursue an active role in the educational teams they belong to.

Formação de professores
Formação contínua
Formação inicial

Students are expected to be able to:
•Understand training as a strategic element of the School and the Education System;
•Link the theoretical framework of teacher education with the theoretical framework of adult education and lifelong training;
•Master strategies of design, organization, implementation and evaluation of training in the contexts they are involved as professionals.

•Evolution of teachers training
•Formal and informal education
•Relation between theory and practice in adult training
•Education and construction of the profession
•Training and professional socialization
•Training and quality of school
•Management models of training

Alarcão, Isabel (2003), Professores reflexivos em uma escola reflexiva, Sao Paulo: Cortez.
Ferreira, Fernando Elídio (2005), O Local em educação. Animação, gestão e parceria, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Hargreaves, Andy (1994), Os professores em tempo de mudança, Lisboa, Mc GrawHill.
Garcia, Carlos Marcelo (1999), Formação de professores. Para uma mudança educativa, Porto, Porto Editora.
Tardif, Maurice; Lessard, Claude (1999), Le travail enseignant au quotidian, Quebec, Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

A frequência desta unidade curricular exige conhecimentos da língua inglesa, capazes de permitir a leitura e interpretação de textos.

A abertura desta UC opcional está sujeita à inscrição do número mínimo de 7 estudantes.