Noções de Psicopatologia
Cod: 41042
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Psychology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

Brief review of the definition, background, history, contemporary thinking, vulnerability, biopsychosocial framing, assessment and diagnosis in psychopathology.
Presentation, Etiology and Therapies Linked 1) Anxiety and Fear Disorders, OCD disorders and relational disorders, Relational disorders with trauma and stress factors, Somatic and dissociative symptoms disorders, Mood disorders; 2) Schizophrenia; and 3) Personality disorders, Eating disorders, Elimination disorders, Sexuality-related disorders and a brief overview of Disorders in children and adolescents
Finally, some topics of interest are addressed: stress; psychotropic drugs; placebo effect and psychology versus pharmacological therapies.


Psychological Disorders

Students are expected:
• to acquire basic knowledge in the field of psychopathology, emphasizing a more psychological way of thinking;
• to learn how to reflect on different pathologies and to discuss their implications in the individuals' personal and social life.

1. Psychopathology definition and context
2. Brief History of Psychopathology
3. Synthesis of contemporary thinking on psychopathology
4. Vulnerability for psychopathology
5. Psychopathology in a biopsychosocial framework
6. Assessment and diagnosis in psychopathology
7. Anxiety and Fear Disorders
8 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Relational Disorders
9 Relational disorders with trauma and stressors
10. Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders
11. Mood Disorders
12. Schizophrenia
13. Personality Disorders
14. Eating Disorders
15. Elimination Disorders
16. Disorders related to sexuality: dysfunctions, paraphilias gender dysphoria
17. Psychological disorders in children and adolescents: brief overviewv
18.  Other topics of special interest


Barnhill, J. W. (Coord.) (2018). DSM 5. Casos clínicos. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores. 

Araújo, Álvaro Cabral, & Lotufo Neto, Francisco. (2014). A nova classificação Americana para os Transtornos Mentais: o DSM-5. Revista Brasileira de Terapia Comportamental e Cognitiva, 16(1), 67-82. Recuperado em 06 de setembro de 2019, de
Pires, C., Luceña, M. A., & Tomé-Pires, C. (2018). Noções de Psicopatologia. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
OMS, & WONCA. (2009). Integração da saúde mental nos cuidados de saúde primários. Uma perspetiva global. Lisboa: Coordenação Nacional para a Saúde Mental/Alto Comissariado da Saúde (edição portuguesa).


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

When possible a study visit will be organized.