Metodologias de Investigação e de Elaboração de Trabalho Científico
Cod: 52032
Department: DH
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Humanities
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 41

The aim of the seminar is to create a space for reflection and debate in the area of knowledge construction in the Social Sciences. In addition to presenting and discussing the methodology and technical resources appropriate to various types of research and study, it is hoped to provide students with sufficient autonomy to research and write a Master' s dissertation, and to help students identify and overcome problems which commonly arise during this process.

1. Social sciences
2. Metodology
3. Research
4. Writing

By the end of the course they should be able to do the following:
• research, select and process different types of information, using a variety of sources and support;
• apply the norms of methodological procedure appropriate to various types of research and areas of study;
• develop clarity and assertiveness with a view to presenting a research project;
• conceptualize and plan a research project.

1. Palomar (Ítalo Calvino) or the ambition to order the world: objectives and limits of research in the Social Sciences.
2. Circumscribing and analyzing the area of study: the art of circumvention
2.1. Importance and relevance of the topic for study: formulating and validating the hypothesis; project feasibility; the choice of corpus
2.2. Writing, argument and organization: planning and reformulating; technical resources (summary, bibliography and critical references); developing a theme; the art of introduction and conclusion
2.3. Ethical research: quoting, paraphrasing, plagiarism; the purpose of footnotes
3. A limited freedom: academic writing norm
3.1 Critical approach to some bibliographical norms
3.2. Organization of the bibliography: perspectives, options and objectives
3.3. Essay, paper or dissertation? Argument in context
3.4. From theory to practice

• AZEVEDO, C. A. M.; AZEVEDO, A. G., Metodologia Científica. Contributos práticos para a elaboração de trabalhos académicos, Porto, Ed. Autor, 1996.
• CARMO, H.; MALHEIRO, M., Metodologia da Investigação. Guia para a auto-aprendizagem, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, 1998.
• DESHAIES, B., Metodologia da investigação em Ciências Humanas, Lisboa, Instituto Piaget, 1998.
• ECO, U., Como se Faz uma Tese em Ciências Humanas, Lisboa, Presença, 1984.
• FRADA, J. J. C., Guia Prático para Elaboração e Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos, Ed. Cosmos, Lisboa, 1993.
• LAGE, M. O. (coord.), Como organizar: Currículos, teses, projectos, teses, trabalhos, relatórios, bibliografias, Porto, Rede de documentação e bibliotecas, 1996.
• SWETNAM, D., Writing Your Dissertation — How to Plan. Prepare and Present your Work Successfully, Oxford, How To Books, 1998.
• Vasconcelos e Sousa, G. de, Metodologia da Investigação, Redacção e Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos, Porto, Livraria Civilização Ed., 1998.

E-Learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.
