Memórias e Identidades
Cod: 32016
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Social Sciences
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 25

This curricular unit examines the theoretical and conceptual tools linked to historical and heritage studies. Thus, starting from memory and its places, the paths of history and its "actors" will be explored, questioning different ways of specifying how the heritage(s) were sought, from the material and immaterial, cultural and natural, historical, archaeological, ethnological, artistic, genetic ... In a last moment it will be questioned how different cultural identities memories were built, taking into account both the European and Portuguese space.

1. Memory
2. History/Heritage
3. Identity

This course aims to:
- critically analyse the contents taught;
- reflect on the evolution of the concept of memory;
- ponder the way in which History has been historicized;
- systematize how the different historical "actors" were described;
- understand different models for safeguarding the Heritage in order to develop a critical view of heritage policies;
- problematize the way in which different cultural identities have been constructed.

This curricular unit approaches 4 topics :
1. On Memory and its places 
2. On History... its writing... its "players"
3. Questioning Heritage(s)
4. Building Cultural Identities: in Europe and Portugal

Bibliography and moodle platform texts
AVELAR, Ana Paula- Do orientalismo de António Lopes Mendes nos escritos sobre O Oriente e a America… Práticas da História/Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past ,10, 2020, pp.113-135.
AVELAR, Ana Paula- Visões do Oriente-Formas de sentir do Portugal de Quinhentos, Lisboa, Colibri, 2003.
CANDAU, Joël - Mémoire et Identité. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1998
CATROGA, Fernando - Memória, história e historiografia. Coimbra: Quarteto, 2001
CASTELS, Manuel - O poder da identidade. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2003
CUSTÓDIO, Jorge (coord. cient.) - 100 anos de Património: Memória e Identidade. Portugal 1919-2010. 2ª ed. Lisboa: IGESPAR, 2011
JOÃO, Maria Isabel - Memória e Império. Comemorações em Portugal (1880-1960). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Col. Textos Universitários de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2002
LE GOFF, Jacques, Memória, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional -Casa da Moeda, 1984.
LOURENÇO, Eduardo- O labirinto da saudade –Psicanálise Mitica do destino Português, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2009.
MATOS, Sérgio, JOÃO, Maria Isabel (org.)-Historiografia e Res Publica nos últimos dois séculos, Lisboa, CHUL-CEMRI,2017,
MOURA, Vasco Graça- A Identidade cultural Europeia, Lisboa, Fundação Manuel dos Santos, 2013.
RICOEUR, Paul - La mémoire, l´histoire et l’oubli. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2000


The curricular unit is anchored in the study, understanding and personal reflection, and collaborative work. The final evaluation ponders on the continual evaluation and final summative . Each activity instructions specify the debates and individual assignments objectives and procedures, and evaluate the knowledge of concepts, and synthesis skills.  The individual assignments are reading summaries, commentaries, reviews, outline of the final research report, research reports. In collaborative work forums students are invited to interact with their colleagues and with the teacher, and debate readings, build synthesis, and clarify doubts. We evaluate the identification of main and accessory issues, and the problematization and relevance of the arguments. Eventually students work on their outline of the final research report, and we evaluate the theme analysis and framework, the adequate use of concepts, the theoretical grounding, the research, the critical reflection and problematization. 

Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet connection and an e-mail address as well as to have computer literacy from the users' perspective.
Language(s) of Instruction: Portuguese.
Languages of the bibliography: Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.