Lugares de Memória: Arquivos e Bibliotecas
Cod: 32022
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area:  Heritage Studies
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 25

We aim to analyze the function of Archives and Libraries as “depositaries” of memories, and as basic tools for the building of an historical identity. On Archives and Libraries: The document as “recriation” tool of time we analyze its creation and evolution, since these entities are a patrimony of the society as a whole. They have the important mission of disclosing the memory, thus building a critical conscience. Information Sciences, Archival and Librarianship extend their horizons, thus multiplying their instruments and technics. While studying Towards an epistemology of the Archive: Brief diachronic perspective, The Archives and their typologies, Library and Collecting – The historicity of a space, and Libraries and their typologies students become acquainted with methods of consulting archives and libraries, and may potentiate the information they provide. At the same time they get to know the way these institutions are organized and may contribute to improve their services.


This curricular unit aims to:
- Analyze the way Archives and Libraries were built through times;
- Research the way Archives and Libraries have been organized in Portugal;
- Experience several models of inquiry in different Archives and Libraries;
- Outline changes in order to provide a better use of the case studies previously analyzed in this curricular unit

This curricular unit approaches 5 topics:
1.On Archives and Libraries: The document as “recriation” tool of time;
2. Towards an epistemology of the Archive: Brief diachronic perspective;
3. The Archives and their typologies;
4. Library and Collecting – The historicity of a space;
5. Libraries and their typologies

COUTURE, Carol et all, Os fundamentos da disciplina arquivística, Lisboa, Pub. Dom Quixote, 1998;
CHATELAIN, Jean -Marc, La Bibliothéque de l'honnête homme, Paris, Bibliothéque Nationale de France, 2003;
MUÑOZ COSME, Alfonso, Los espacios del saber. Historia de la arquitectura de las Bibliotecas, Gijón, Ed. Trea, 2004;
PEIXOTO, Pedro Abreu, Arquivos de Família: Orientações para a organização e descrição dos Arquivos de Família, Lisboa, Instituto Português de Arquivos, 1991;
RIBEIRO. Fernanda, O Acesso à Informação nos Arquivos, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2003;
PORTUGAL, Instituto Português de Arquivos, Torre do Tombo, Orientações para a descrição arquivística, Lisboa, IAN,TT,2005
;PORTUGAL, Instituto Português de Arquivos, Torre do Tombo, Manual para a Gestão de Documentos, Lisboa, IAN,TT,2005;
SILVA, Armando Malheiro da e Fernanda Ribeiro, Das Ciências Documentais à Ciência da Informação, Porto Edições Afrontamento, 2005.

E-learning (fully online).

The curricular unit is anchored in the study, understanding and personal reflection, and collaborative work. The final evaluation ponders on the continual evaluation (60%) and final summative (40%). Each activity instructions specify the debates and individual assignments objectives and procedures, and evaluate the knowledge of concepts, and synthesis skills.  The individual assignments are reading summaries, commentaries, reviews, outline of the final research report, research reports. In collaborative work forums students are invited to interact with their colleagues and with the teacher, and debate readings, build synthesis, and clarify doubts. We evaluate the identification of main and accessory issues, and the problematization and relevance of the arguments. Eventually students work on their outline of the final research report, and we evaluate (40%) the theme analysis and framework, the adequate use of concepts, the theoretical grounding, the research, the critical reflection and problematization.