Literaturas e Artes Europeias
Cod: 52034
Department: DH
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Humanities
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 41

The curricular unit has the following objectives:
. to explore the specificity of the relationship between literature and European arts.
. to ponder on the importance of a speculative tradition in the dialogue between literature and European arts.
. to describe the emergence of this relationship in Classical Antiquity.
. to analyze the importance of Lessing’s theoretical contribution.
. to ponder on the emergence of a Modernist and Pos-modernist meta-critical discourse.

  1. Art
  2. Literature
  3. Interdisciplinarity
  4. Criticism

The curricular unit aims to develop the following competences:
 . the domain of conceptual and methodological tools in an interdisciplinary domain;
. the capacity to elaborate on topics while using the required conceptual tools;
. the capacity to build a critical and rational approach of the object;
. the capacity to ponder on the speculative dimension of the chosen object;
  . the capacity to ponder on the epistemological dimension inherent to the state of the arts on the chosen object.

1. Classical background
1.1. Homer’s Iliad – the shield of Achilles and the “ekphrasis”;
1.2. Sign and epistem;
1.3. Theoretical approaches in Greece (Plato and Artistotle, the concept of “mimesis”);
1.4. Theoretical approach in Rome (Horace’s concept of “ut pictura poesis”).
2. The 19th century’s revision
2.1. Lessing and the arts of space and time;
2.2. The emergence of the Museum and Romanticism;
2.3. Baudelaire – a discourse on modernity;
2.4. The Pre-Raphaelites and the epistemic change.

3.  From Modernism to Post-modernism
3.1. Creative heritages;
3.2. Irony and memory;
3.3. Critical essays;
3.4. The word beyond the figurative.

Avelar, Mário. Ekpkrasis – O poeta no atelier do artista (Chamusca: Cosmos, 2006)
Baudelaire, Charles. A Invenção da Modernidade (Sobre Arte, Literatura e Música) (Lisboa: Relógio D’Água, 2006)
Heffernan, James A. W.. A Museum of Words – The Poetics of Ekphrasis from Homer to Ashbery (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993)
Malraux, André. O Museu Imaginário (Lisboa: Edições 70, 1963)
Praz, Mario. Mnemosyne – El paralelismo entre la literatura y las artes visuales (Madrid: Taurus, 1979)

E-Learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.
