Literaturas e Artes Europeias
1. Classical background
1.1. Homer’s Iliad – the shield of Achilles and the “ekphrasis”;
1.2. Sign and epistem;
1.3. Theoretical approaches in Greece (Plato and Artistotle, the concept of “mimesis”);
1.4. Theoretical approach in Rome (Horace’s concept of “ut pictura poesis”).
2. The 19th century’s revision
2.1. Lessing and the arts of space and time;
2.2. The emergence of the Museum and Romanticism;
2.3. Baudelaire – a discourse on modernity;
2.4. The Pre-Raphaelites and the epistemic change.
3. From Modernism to Post-modernism
3.1. Creative heritages;
3.2. Irony and memory;
3.3. Critical essays;
3.4. The word beyond the figurative.