Literatura e Cultura Norte- Americanas
Cod: 51164
Department: DH
Scientific area: Literatura e Cultura
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

The curricular unit has the following objectives:

  • to analyze the way literature and culture contribute to the building of American identity;
  • to ponder on the importance of Puritan discourse towards the definition of a mythical and rhetorical imaginary;
  • to understand the way the Founding Fathers assimilated and revised the Puritanical discourse;
  • to analyze the importance of Transcendentalism to the consolidation of American identity;
  • to problematize the permanence of a mythical and epic discourse in Modernism.

As competências a desenvolver são as seguintes:

  • domínio das ferramentas conceptuais e metodológicas necessárias à produção do conhecimento no âmbito dos estudos literários e dos estudos de cultura;
  • capacidade de formular problemas e de usar todos os recursos conceptuais inerentes aos espaços do saber em causa;
  • capacidade de construir uma visão racional e crítica do objecto;
  • capacidade de reflectir sobre a dimensão especulativa do objecto de análise;
  • capacidade de problematizar a dimensão epistemológica relevante a nível do estado da arte do tema escolhido;

1.Colonial background
1.1.Puritan narrative and biblical analogy – William Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation;
1.2.Puritan poetry and confession – Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor;
1.3.Building a culture of the self – Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography;
1.4.The Iluministic mythical rhetoric – The Declaration of the Independence and Thomas Jefferson’s and John Adams’ letters.
2.1.Emerson’s philosophical innovations – “The American Scholar”, “Nature” and “The Poet”;
2.2.The relationship with Nature – H. D. Thoreau’s Walden;
2.3.The tension with the Other – Edgar Allan Poe
2.4.The emergence of an epic discourse – Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass;
2.5.The tension between epic and tragedy – Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick;

3. From Modernis to Post-modernism
3.1.The persistence of the epic – Hart Crane and Wallace Stevens;
3.2.The renewed tension between epic and tragedy – F. S. Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby;
3.3.The relationship with the Other – Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.

Avelar, Mário. História(s) da Literatura Americana – prefáciode George Monteiro (Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 2005)

O Nascimento de uma nação – Nas origens daliteratura americana (Chamusca: Cosmos, 2008)

Miller Jr., James E.. The American Quest for aSupreme Fiction (Chicago: The Chicago University Press, 1976)

Pearce, Roy Harvey. The Continuity of AmericanPoetry (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961[1997])

Ramalho, Maria Irene. Literatura Norte-Americana(Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 1998)

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).