Literatura Alemã II
Cod: 51170
Department: DH
Scientific area: Literature
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit aims at studying authors, literary motifs, styles, movements and generations of the German-speaking literature between the end of the nineteenth century and the contemporary age. The selection of authors and texts can follow various criteria, which may alter in subsequent years.
The criteria adopted in this semestre is of literary gender: that is, we aim at studying the German-speaking literature from the viewpoint of the lyrical production.

  1. istory of German Literature
  2. Baroque
  3. Enlightenment
  4. Sentimentality

- Critical reading and ability to identify, analise, explain and expose literary content, gender, motifs in çiterary texts.
- Secondary literature reading and selecting, and its use in the reflexion and debate on certain theme or literary phenomena.
- Gathering, selecting and interpreting of relevant information for the analysis of literary themes or generations.

The study of the German-speaking poetry of the twentieth century is organized by thematic issues that affiliate different generations of poets:
- Modernism and Hermitism: Expressionism; the hermietic poetry of the 50s.
- Experimentalism: Dadaism; Concrete poetry after 1945; 'pop' poetry and the 'death of literature'.
- Traditionalism: Neo-romanticism, 'inner emigration'; 'nature poetry' and the 'magic realism'.
- Political poetry': The 20s: 'Neue Sachlicheit', Kabarett, Brecht; The 50s in GDR: Becher and the late Brecht; The 60s: poetry and society in both Germanies.
- Poetry and everyday life: The 'lyrical wave' in GDR (60s-70s); The student movement, the 'new sentimentalism' and the poetry of everyday life in GFR, austria and Switzerland (70s).
- Dissemination: The 80s - between convergence, pulverization of experiences and irony.

The specific secondary literature and resources will be given throughout the semester, in the virtual classroom.
RIBEIRO, António S. (1999) Literatura Alemã II, Universidade Aberta.
VILAS BOAS, Gonçalo (1998), Literatura Alemã III, Universidade Aberta.
BEUTIN, Wolfang (1993) História da Literatura Alemã, das origens à actualidade, vols. I e II, Cosmos/apaginastantas.
BARRENTO, João (1989) Literatura Alemã. Textos e Contextos (1700-1900), Presença.

Online learning with continuous supervision favoring asynchronous communication (Moodle platform).
Students have to perform the tasks requested by the teacher: essays, critical recensions, reports, protocols, etc. All works will be evaluated and/or classified.

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Não é obrigatório o domínio da língua alemã.