Leitura e Formação de Leitores
Cod: 52040
Department: DH
Scientific area: Literature
Total working hours: 208
Total contact time: 55

This seminar proposes a reflection on Reading, starting from the problematic of the history of reading, and also on the new contexts where it takes place and evolves. It also intends to situate this subject in the frame of the studies on reading in Portugal (reading habits, among others) and on the institutions (public and private) that develop activities in the domain of reading. It still aims both to reflect on and to propose strategies able to promote and to inflame the pleasure and the motivation for literary reading in different contexts.

This seminar’s aim is that the student might be able to:
• understand in a critical and articulate way the theoretical texts and data that will be made available, being able to express his reflection in a well based and structured way;
• lead a reflection or a research in a collaborative way;
• transfer acquired knowledge in order to propose initiatives in the area of reading motivation and promotion;
• make research and to think of hypothesis that are viable and may lead to original work.

1.Literary reading;
2.Reading and readers;
3.The situation in Portugal;
4.Promotion and motivation for reading/literary reading.

MANGUEL, Alberto. La biblioteca de noche. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2007.
MANGUEL, Alberto. La Ciudad de las Palabras: Mentiras politicas, verdades literarias. Barcelona: RBA Libros, 2010.
MANGUEL, Alberto. Uma história da leitura. Lisboa: Presença, 1998.
JAHANBEGLOO, Ramin. Quatro entrevistas com George Steiner. Lisboa: Fenda, 1999.
STEINER, George. O Silêncio dos Livros. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2007.
LOPES, João Teixeira Lopes; ANTUNES, Lina Antunes. Bibliotecas e hábitos de leitura. Lisboa: IPLB/Observatório Actividades Culturais, 2001.

E-learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.