Intervenção Social com Grupos
Cod: 41030
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Social Politics
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

The course unit Social Intervention with Groups (ISG) aims to reflect on the theoretical and methodological foundations of working with groups. In this context, we seek to encourage the application of this tool by creating conditions to establish a sustained relationship with various problem situations, challenging students to take on group intervention strategies. The UC ISG seeks to frame the different pedagogical contents in an interdisciplinary and intersectional context.

Social Problems
Social Intervention
Personal and social development

It is intended that at the end of this course, the student has acquired the following skills:

• Briefly characterize the social dynamics and major social problems of the contemporary world;

• Understand the genesis of Group Social Work as a strategy for socio-educational intervention and identify its main fields of application;

• Recognize the contribution of Developmental Psychology and Group Dynamics to the theoretical support of social work with groups;

• Describe and discuss various working techniques with groups, differentiating them according to the intervention objectives;

• Apply group working techniques from various situations.


1.    Groups and the Social Conjuncture.

2.     Social intervention with groups (ISG): general framework.

3.     Developmental Psychology and ISG - Developmental Psychology assumptions for ISG efficiency.

4.    Group dynamics and ISG: What is a group? ... Elementary principles in diagnosis.

5.    Methodology of social group work: stages of diagnosis and intervention.

6.    Group work techniques.

Required Bibliography:
autor: Hermano Carmo (Coord.); Ana Esgaio, Carla Pinto;
editor: Universidade Aberta
edição: 3ª
ano de publicação: 2015
idioma: Português - ISBN: 9789726747635 (nº de páginas: 273)

Complementary Bibliography:
•    Chopart, Jean-Noël, 2003, Os novos desafios do trabalho social, Porto, Porto Editora
•    Goleman, Daniel, 1995, Inteligência Emocional, Lisboa, Temas e debates
•    Goleman, Daniel, 2006, Inteligência Social, Lisboa, Temas e debates
•    Moreira e Buchwitz, 1993, Novas estratégias de ensino aprendizagem: os mapas conceptuais e o Vê epistemológico, Lisboa, Plátano
Some interesting movies about group situations:
•    Os amigos de Alex
•    Voando sobre um ninho de Cucos
•    Zona J
•    Os Lisboetas

Other authors, magazines, articles, Links specific to the theme of Social Intervention with groups may be indicated during class.



Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).