Instrumentos de Gestão Ambiental
Cod: 21066
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Environmental Science and Technology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 26

This course aims to analyze the concepts for a systemic approach to environmental management, explaining the tools and standards to support environmental management, including the analysis of life cycle and the ecological design of products and eco-labels; the environmental management systems, the environmental audits, the assessment of the environmental performance of organizations and other environmental management tools, such as sustainable construction or forest certification systems. It also introduced the concept of industrial ecology, its connection with the various tools for environmental management and its applicability in Portugal.

1. Environmental Management Systems
2. Life cycle analysis and ecological design of products
3. Environmental performance evaluation and communication
4. Environmental audits

Ability to explain and distinguish the various environmental management tools, including the analysis of the life cycle of products, ecodesign and eco-labels, environmental management systems, environmental auditing and environmental performance evaluation, and understand their applicability  and use within the concept of industrial ecology.


1. Concepts for a systemic approach to environmental management;
2. Concept of industrial ecology
3. Life cycle analysis;
4. Ecological design of products and eco-labels;
5. Environmental management systems;
6. Environmental audits;
7. Assessing the performance and communication of sustainability;
8. Other environmental management tools.

Videira, N. Alves, I. Subtil, R. (2007). Instrumentos de Apoio à Gestão do Ambiente. Volume 2. Edições da Universidade Aberta.

Support material script and videos developed by the teacher

Ferrão, P. (2009). Ecologia Industrial. Princípios e ferramentas. Instituto Superior Técnico Press. Lisboa.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).