Cod: 31065
Department: DH
Scientific area: Language
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

In this course the four main language skills are worked on for effective communication in English through thematic content related to society, culture and the world. Activities base on these contemporary topics have been developed and are available for students to practice and improve on their English language skills through communicative and collaborative tasks.


The competences this course unit aims to develop are those that correspond to the levels C1.1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, including the following:

  • Capacity to understand written and oral texts produced in English and to demonstrate this understanding through the realization of diverse communicational tasks;
  • Capacity to summarize English-language texts, drawn from a range of non-specialized areas and revealing a high level of discursive complexity;
  • Capacity to identify and to employ accurately a broad range of grammatical and lexical structures, adapting them to diverse discursive contexts.

This course focuses on contemporary issues that branch out from the general themes of society, culture and the world today such as relationships, the body and the mind, home, time and climate. These topics serve as the basis through which the language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as grammar and pronunciation are worked on using the principles of ESL/EFL (English as a Second/Foreign Language) approaches to language learning: “Content based instruction” and “Theme based learning”. There is no manual for the course, but different resources which are made available on the learning platform.


Liu, Ken. \\\"The Paper Menagerie\\\". The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories. Saga Press. 2016.


All students are evaluated through continuous assessment. For a full evaluation students must do 2/3 e-folios (assignments submitted on the
learning platform) during the semester and an online final Test (p-fólio), at the end of the semester which amount to, respectively, 40% and 60% of the final mark.

Prerequisite for enrolment: successful completion of English IV or equivalent qualification.