This course looks at the economic and social evolution of the contemporary world in the 19th and 20th centuries, taking into account the major stages in the development of the modern capitalist economy, with a special focus on the European and North American contexts. In addition, the course puts the case of Portugal into perspective, considering its economic and social evolution and its interactions with the political superstructure, from the establishment of liberalism in the first half of the 19th century to the entry into circulation of the single European currency (Euro) in 2002.
Contemporary World
Contemporary Portugal
Economic and Social Development
Modern capitalism and industrialisation
At the end of this course, the student should have acquired the following competences:
- the ability to master various concepts used in economic and social history;
- the ability to problematise the main issues surrounding the socio-economic evolution of the contemporary world and, in particular, to recognise the structural lines of capitalist development in the main social formations of Western Europe and North America in the 19th and 20th centuries;
- the ability to problematise the main issues surrounding the economic and social evolution of contemporary Portuguese society and, in particular, to recognise the main socio-economic dynamics and the respective interactions at the political level in contemporary Portugal in the 19th and 20th centuries;
- the ability to produce a critical and reasoned analysis of the key elements of the historical process, from an economic and social perspective.
SUBTEME 1.1. - The different rhythms of European and North American industrialisation and the emergence of the modern capitalist economy in the 19th century
SUBTEME 1.2. - The growth of the world economy, 1848-1914
SUBTHEME 1.3. - International economic disintegration, 1914-1945
SUBTHEME 1.4. - The reconstruction of the world economy, 1945-1989.
SUBTEME 2.1. - The establishment of liberalism and the first period of economic growth during the Regeneration, 1820-1890
SUBTEME 2.2. - Economic and social crisis and stagnation, 1890-1914
SUBTEME 2.3. - The era of wars and crises, 1914-1947.
SUBTEME 2.4. - The second era of economic growth, 1947-1973
SUBTEME 2.5. - From 25 April to the introduction of the Euro, 1974-2002.
Bibliografia Base da UC:
NEAL, Larry; CAMERON, Rondo - História Económica do Mundo. Do Paleolítico ao Presente. Forte da Casa: Escolar Editora, 2019, pp. 351-411 e pp. 513-556 (available on-line environment).
MATA, Eugénia; VALÉRIO, Nuno - História Económica de Portugal. Uma perspectiva global. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2003, pp. 136-238 (available on-line environment).
PIMENTA, Fernando Tavares - Textos de Apoio e de Contextualização Histórica da Unidade Curricular História Económica e Social. Ano Académico 2021/2022 (weekly available by the professor on-line environment).
Addicional Bibliography (optional literature in order to develop knowledge from students):
BEAUD, Michel - História do Capitalismo. Lisboa: Teorema, 1992.
GALBRAITH, John Kenneth - A crise económica de 1929. Anatomia de uma catástrofe financeira. Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 1982.
GILBERT, Martin - História do Século XX. 4ª ed.. Lisboa: Q. Quixote, 2017.
HOBSBAWM, Eric - A Era do Império, 1875-1914. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1990.
HOBSBAWM, Eric - A Era dos Extremos. História Breve do Século XX (1914-1991). Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1996.
HOBSBAWM, Eric - A Era das Revoluções, 1789-1848. 4ª ed.. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2001.
MARQUES, A.H. de Oliveira (Coord.) - Nova História de Portugal. Volume XI Portugal. Da Monarquia para a República. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1991.
PIKETTY, Thomas - O Capital no Século XXI. Lisboa: Temas e Debates, 2014.
PIMENTA, Fernando Tavares - Portugal e o Século XX. Estado-Império e Descolonização, 1890-1975. Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 2010.
PIMENTA, Fernando Tavares - Storia Politica del Portogallo Contemporaneo (1800-2000). Firenze: Le Monnier/Mondadori Education, 2011.
PINTO, António Costa; MONTEIRO, Nuno Gonçalo (Coord.) - História Social Contemporânea. Portugal: 1808-2000. Lisboa: Edições MAPFRE, 2020.
RAMOS, Rui (Coord.) - História de Portugal. 11.ª ed. Lisboa: D. Quixote, 2021.
REMOND, René - Introdução à História do Nosso Tempo. Do Antigo Regime aos Nossos Dias. 2ª ed. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2003.
RIOUX, J. P. - A Revolução Industrial. 5ª ed. Lisboa: D. Quixote, 1996.
ROSAS, Fernando - O Estado Novo nos Anos Trinta. Elementos para o estudo da natureza económica e social do salazarismo (1928-1938). Lisboa: Estampa, 1986.
ROSAS, Fernando - Portugal entre a Paz e a Guerra. Estudo do impacte da Segunda Guerra Mundial na economia e na sociedade portuguesas (1939-1945). Lisboa: Estampa, 1990.
ROSAS, Fernando - Salazarismo e fomento económico. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias, 2000.
SANTOS, Lourival Santana; ARAÚJO, Ruy Belém de - História Econômica Geral e do Brasil. São Cristóvão: Universidade Federal de Sergipe/CESAD, 2011.
SERRÃO, Joaquim Veríssimo - História de Portugal. Volumes VII, VIII, IX, X e XI. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo, 1986-2003.
TORRES, José Veiga Torres - Introdução à História Económica e Social da Europa. 5ª Reimp.. Coimbra: Almedina, 2003.
VALÉRIO, Nuno; NUNES, Ana Bela - História da Economia Mundial Contemporânea. 2ª ed. .Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2004.
Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).
Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet connection and an e-mail address as well as to have computer literacy from the users' perspective.