História do Teatro Português II
Cod: 51019
Department: DH
Scientific area: Culture
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit covers the drama movements and texts produced between 1836, the year in which Almeida Garrett proposed a reorganization of the theater in Portugal, and 1923, the publication year of Raul Brandão plays.
Traveling through aesthetic and literary movements as romanticism, naturalism and symbolism, emphasis is put on the figures and emblematic works of this Portuguese theatre history period.

  1. Portuguese Theatre (19th and 20th centuries)
  2. Almeida Garrett
  3. D. João da Câmara
  4. António Patrício and Raul Brandão

Students are expected to be able
• to identify specific aesthetical and literary features based on the selected texts;
• to analyze drama texts;
• to interpret critically the relation between drama texts and related theoretical texts:
• to comment criticism produced about the studied texts;
• to compare thematically and aesthetically the studied drama texts;
• to express themselves in a correct and careful writing.

1. From Romanticism to Naturalism
1.1 The Romantic movement
1.2 Garrett: from theoretical texts to practice
1.3 Frei Luis de Sousa: romantic drama or tragedy?
1.4 From romantic drama to progressive realism in theater
1.5 D. João da Câmara
1.6 Os Velhos: realism and regionalism

2. From Symbolism to Modernity
2.1 European models
2.2 The poetic theatre of António Patrício: O Fim
2.3 Another Portuguese dramaturgy: O Gebo e a Sombra, by Raul Brandão

BARATA, José Oliveira. História do Teatro Português. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 1991. Capítulos 5 e 6.
BASTOS, Glória e VASCONCELOS, Ana Isabel P. Teixeira de. O Teatro em Lisboa no Tempo da Primeira República. Lisboa: Museu do Teatro, 2004.
VASCONCELOS, Ana Isabel P. Teixeira de. O Teatro em Lisboa no Tempo de Almeida Garrett. Lisboa: Museu do Teatro, 2003.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

The following drama texts are of compulsory reading:
Frei Luís de Sousa, de Almeida Garrett, antecedido da “Memória ao Conservatório”.
Os Velhos, de D. João da Câmara.
O Fim, de António Patrício.
O Gebo e a Sombra, de Raul Brandão.