História da Idade Média
Cod: 31037
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: History
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit offers students the possibility to study, work on and think about themes of the medieval period so that they acquire a broad understanding of the main structuring lines and the specific issues that feature the Middle Ages in Western Europe. Although the themes studied vary each academic year they will always touch upon different chronologies (High, Late and Early Middle Ages) and central issues that distinguish the different periods from each other.

• The medieval world;
• Occidental European evolution;
• Country life;
• The crises of the late medieval period.

• Domain of the contents worked in this course;
• Ability to analyze, interpret and synthesize of data  concerning to the medieval period in the West from the 5th to the 15th centuries;
• Ability to understand historical facts and processes introduced by the studied subjects and relation them with larger issues;
• Ability to comment based on contextualized and integrated direct sources published and translated into Portuguese.

Topic 1 - The "Carolingian Europe": society and economy
1.1 - The Carolingian West
1.2 - Changes in the Earth
Topic 2 - The "Central Middle Ages"
2.1 - Popes, Emperors and Kingdoms
2.1.1 - Government and Politics: Emperors and Popes
2.1.2 - Government and Politics: England and France
2.2 - Economic and Social Changes
2.2.1 -  Agricultural Sector
2.2.2 - Urban Life
Topic 1 - Expansion: Feudalism and Crusades
Topic 2 - Contraction: The 14th century Great Crisis

BALLARD, Michel, GENET, Jean-Philippe, ROUCHE, Michel - A Idade Média no Ocidente, dos Bárbaros ao Renascimento, Lisboa, Ed. D. Quixote, 1994.

CLARAMUNT, S., PORTELA, E., GONZÁLEZ, M & MITRE, E. -  Historia de la Edad Media, 2ª ed, 5ª reimpr., Barcelona, Ariel Historia, 2003.

DUBY, Georges, Guerreiros e Camponeses. Os Primórdios do Crescimento Económico Europeu so século VII ao século XIII, Lisboa, Ed. Estampa, 1980.
NICHOLAS, D.  - A Evolução do Mundo Medieval. Sociedade, governo e pensamento na Europa: 312-1500. Lisboa, Publicações Europa- América, 1999.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet connection and an e-mail address as well as to have computer literacy from the users' perspective.