Oferta Formativa Formal [Licenciaturas, Mestrados e Doutoramentos]
Oferta Formativa não Formal [Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida]
Contemporary History (Politics and Institutions)
Cod: 31036
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: History
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15
This course unit discusses the history of the main political and institutional facts that occurred from 1807 to the present in five parts. Firstly, it will look at the situation in Portugal at the beginning of the 19th century, touching upon themes such as the impact of the French invasions, the 1820s revolution, the ascension, triumph and implementation of the liberal régime and the period of regeneration. The second part will look at the Third Portuguese Empire, and especially the Portuguese presence in Africa. In the third part the main themes will relate to the Parliamentary Republic (1910-1920). The fourth part will focus on the period 1828-1974. Finally, in the fifth part, the course will tackle Portuguese history from the post-25th of April period to the present.
In the end, students are expected to be able to • identify, analyse and relate the main political and institutional aspects of Portuguese history in the 19th and 20th centuries; • question the facts, tendencies and political and institutional ruptures of Portuguese history in the 19th and 20th centuries in a way that demonstrates students have capacities of organization, reflection, criticism and expression.
I - Birth of Liberal Portugal II - The 3rd Portuguese Empire III - The Parlamentary Republic IV - The Portuguese Dictatorship (1826-1974) V - Coeval Portugal
MEDINA, João (1994) História de Portugal Contemporâneo: Político e Institucional, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta.
Online learning with continuous supervision favoring asynchronous communication (Moodle platform). Students have to perform the tasks requested by the teacher: essays, critical recensions, reports, protocols, etc. All works will be evaluated and/or classified.
Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 or 3 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a presence-based final exam (p-folio) in the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final presence-based exam (100%).
Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet connection and an e-mail address as well as to have computer literacy from the users' perspective.