História Cultural e Artística Alemã
Cod: 51161
Department: DH
Scientific area: CultureArts
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

The syllabus for this course seeks to reflect on the following questions: to what extent do artistic manifestations think critically about German identity? And, conversely, to what extent do artistic phenomena in Germany shape what is known as "German culture"?

These questions serve as a motto for what we are going to study in German Cultural History and Arts, favouring themes that cut across different historical periods, various geographies and territories, different aesthetic currents and the arts that inhabit the German-speaking space(s). Starting with some examples from music, literature and the plastic arts, we follow a route that tells us about some themes dear to German art and culture.

Culture - Civilisation
Identity - Faust - Nature
War - Peace

  • Ability to search for information in textual and iconic sources (online), related to the history of German culture and art;
  • Understanding and application of operational definitions and theoretical concepts in the context of the history of German culture and art;
  • Ability to identify and distinguish epochs, movements, motifs, works (theatre, painting, cinema, music, etc..) in German-speaking countries;
  • Ability to place a work in its aesthetic, cultural, socio-political and historical context.

Theme units:
1. Thinking about German cultural identity
2. The landscape
3. The man
4. The times 

The resources for the study of German Cultural History and Arts will be made available throughout the academic semester.

The list below is a sample of the existing bibliography in Portuguese, from which we will choose primary sources, critical and monographic texts on the themes of the syllabus, along with web resources with scientifically credible information to complement the study.
BARRENTO, João (1989), Literatura Alemã. Textos e Contextos (1700-1900). Lisboa, Presença (2 vols.).
BARRENTO (org.) (1983), Literatura e Sociedade Burguesa na Alemanha - Séculos XVIII e XIX. Introdução de Maria Antónia Amarante. Lisboa, Apaginastantas.
BARRENTO (org.) (1984), Fausto na literatura europeia. Lisboa, Apaginastantas.
BEUTIN, Wolfang (1993), História da Literatura Alemã, das origens à actualidade, vols. I e II, Cosmos/Apaginastantas.
CUNHA, Mafalda Ferin (2002), O que foi Reforma e Contra-Reforma, Lisboa: Quimera.
ELIAS, Norbert (1989) 0 Processo Civilizacional. Investigações sociogenéticas e psicogenéticas. Trad. de Lidia Campos Rodrigues. Lisboa, Pub. Dom Quixote 1989 (2 vols.)
GIL, Isabel Capeola (2007), Mitografias. Figurações de Antígona, Cassandra e Medeia no drama de expressão alemã do século XX. Lisboa: INCM (2 vols.).
HAZARD, Paul (1983), 0 Pensamento Europeu no século XVIII de Montesquieu a Lessing. Trad. Carlos G. Babo, Lisboa, Presença.
OPITZ, Alfred (Coord.) (1998), Sociedade e Cultura Alemãs. Lisboa, Universidade Aberta.
SCHEIDL, Ludwig et al. (1993), Dois Séculos de História Alemã (Politica, Sociedade e Cultura). Coimbra, Fac. Letras.
SESBOÜÉ, Bernard, "500 anos depois de Lutero: 1517-2017", Brotéria no 183 (2016) pp.125-136.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).