Cod: 61041
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Management
Total working hours: 160
Total contact time: 62

This unit aims at building the groundwork for the internationalization process of organizations, going beyond the traditional view of internationalization. A critical approach will be adopted to build the notions of globalization, internationalization, knowledge management, knowledge society and the economics and the economy of innovation and organizational change. This will help the construction of the various elements integrating the knowledge management function within organizations. We will study the three generations of knowledge management, from information to knowledge, creativity and learning, globalization and knowledge management tools, human dimension and complexity of knowledge management.  Some case studies will be developed and extended in learning activities.

Management of internationalization

The skills are the basis for understanding the functioning of the international economy and management in a global perspective as the functions and critical dimensions of management in the internationalization of organizations. The student should better understand what is meant by organizational culture, international contracts, negotiations and diversity of organizational and cultural contexts. The student will be able to issue diagnoses and carry out an informed analysis of the challenges and opportunities of internationalization of a company and what are the differences between internationalization processes and globalization.

1. Introduction globalization and internationalization
2. Challenges for internationalization  
3. Processes of internationalization
4. Topics of globalization (sustainability, eetc.)
5. Organizational theory and globalization.
6 Models and applications

Mandatory Reading
José Moleiro Martins (2011) Internacionalização e Globalização de Empresas, Lisboa: Edições Silabo
Several recent academic texts are available on the platform.
Recommended Reading (mandatory, available on the platform)
Jacquinet, M. (2018). Internacionalização. In J. Jardim, Dicionário de Educação em Empreendedorismo (1st ed., pp. 6).  Lisboa: Editora Gradiva.[facultado pelo docente, uso restrito na plataforma por causa de direitos de autor, fair use]
Jacquinet, M. (2018). “Tomada de decisão”. In J. Jardim, Dicionário de Educação em Empreendedorismo (1st ed., pp. 6).  Lisboa: Editora Gradiva.[facultado pelo docente, uso restrito na plataforma por causa de direitos de autor, fair use]
There is also a set of pedagogical texts available either on the platform or in the open repository of Universidade Aberta.
Other papers available in the virtual class.
Downey, C., Curado, H., & Jacquinet, M. (2016). The Emergence of Biobanks: Between Ethics, Risks, and Governance. In M. Cruz-Cunha, I. Miranda, R. Martinho, & R. Rijo (Eds.), Encyclopedia of E-Health and Telemedicine (pp. 169-178). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9978-6.ch014
Ferreira Cascão, 2014, Gestão de Competências, do Conhecimento e do Talento:  O estado da arte da teoria e as melhores práticas na gestão das pessoas, Lisboa: Sílabo
Jacquinet, M., Curado, H., Nobre, Â. L., Sousa, M. J., Arraya, M., Pimenta, R., & Martins, A. E. (2018). Management of Tacit Knowledge and the Issue of Empowerment of Patients and Stakeholders in the Health Care Sector. In I. Management Association (Ed.), Health Care Delivery and Clinical Science: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1122-1146). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3926-1.ch056 [facultado pelo docente, uso restrito na plataforma por causa de direitos de autor, faire use]
Raleigh, C., & Urdal, H. (2007). Climate change, environmental degradation and armed conflict. Political Geography, 26(6), 674–694. doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2007.06.005

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Very good computer skills; Computer vocabulary; Word processing; Internet.
Basic texts are written in Portuguese, however students are recommended to be competent in English because complementary readings may be in English.