Gestão Escolar
Cod: 12078
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 208
Total contact time: 40

This course unit studies further school management including both the management of the education system and the management of schools or some of its components. According to the management levels analysis will be performed at macro, meso or micro-management levels. However there are issues that cross all these levels, and involve multidimensional approaches (normative, political, technical and pedagogical). These different approaches can be treated analytically for the purpose of systematic exposition.
The first part focuses predominantly on the Portuguese education system and takes an approach that is both historical, political, legal and administrative.
The second part focuses on the school and its management, based on inputs from the organizational research and management. It deals with various aspects of educational leadership and strategic management and in particular the planning and evaluation of the school and its projects.

Modelos de organização escolar
avaliação de escolas

Students are expected to be able to:
•Understand the multidimensionality of the field of school management;
•Analyse critically the various policies and strategies of educational administration;
•Identify the various models of school organization;
•Analyse sociologically educational institutions.

1. Territorial dimensions of school education
2. School-centered territorialization and municipality-centered territorialization
3. School as learning organization
• School direction
• Pedagogical organization
• Internal and external participation
4. Management and Leadership
5. Evaluation

Barroso, J. (2005) Políticas Educativas e Organização Escolar, Universidade Aberta.
Costa, J. (1996) Imagens Organizacionais da Escola, Porto: Edições ASA.
Formosinho, J. Fernandes, Sousa Fernandes, A. (1999) Comunidades Educativas. Novos Desafios à Educação Básica, Braga: Livraria Minho.
Formosinho, J. Fernandes, Sousa Fernandes, A. (2005) Administração da Educação, Edições ASA.
Fullan, M. (2003) Liderar numa Cultura de Mudança, Edições ASA.
Hargreaves, A. (2007) Liderança Sustentável. Porto Editora.


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.