Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais
Cod: 22224
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Environmental Science and Technology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 26

This course aims to address the main concepts and main principles and policies of management for sustainability to the different environmental management instruments, highlighting the environmental management systems and integrated systems of environment, quality and safety, environmental audits, sustainability performance evaluation, and respective communication of organizations and other instruments. The concept of Industrial Ecology and its connection with environmental management instruments and their applicability in Portugal are also introduced.

This course also includes an understanding of the functioning of the whole process, procedures, and methods of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), focusing especially on the importance and application of this instrument of environmental policy and decision support. In the first phase, the fundamental concepts and principles of EIA will be addressed, followed by a presentation of the EIA system, referring to the EIA process, the main entities involved, and the main products. Special emphasis is given to the importance of public participation throughout the process and how it should be conducted. The points that must be considered in the planning and management of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) are also referred to, and the different methods that may be applied in EIA are developed, both in terms of scoping and identification of impacts, as well as in predicting impacts, evaluating impacts, comparing alternatives and mitigation. The post-evaluation phase is also developed (monitorization). Some notions of Strategic Environmental Assessment are also given.

The aim is to provide an integrated vision of all these instruments within the management of companies and/or organisations.


Environmental Management

Environmental Impact Assessment

Strategic Environmental Assessment


Upon completion of this learning unit, the student should be able to:

1. Understand the theories of concepts, principles, and policies of integrated environmental management.

2. Explain, differentiate, and apply the different environmental management tools, namely, environmental management systems, integrated management systems, environmental audits, and sustainability performance assessment, and understand their applicability.

3. Understand the concept associated with Industrial Ecology and its connection with environmental management tools.

4. Interpret relevant legislation relating to EIA.

5. Understand the process of EIA and its limitations.

6. Understand how to involve different key stakeholders and public participation in an EIA process.

7Design the types of products that may result from an EIA, namely: Scoping Proposals, EIS, environmental compliance reports, and Monitoring Reports.

8. Interpret and critically analyse the legislation related to Strategic Environmental Assessment.

9. Compose an integrative vision of all these instruments.

P1 - Introdução à gestão ambiental;

P2 - Sistemas de gestão ambiental e auditorias;

P3 - Avaliação e comunicação do desempenho da sustentabilidade;

P4 - AIA: evolução histórica, conceitos fundamentais, princípios de AIA, o sistema e o processo de AIA;

P5 - Planeamento e gestão de estudos de impacte ambiental;

P6 - Avaliação ambiental estratégica.

·  Maria do Rosário Partidário e Júlio de Jesus (2003). Fundamentos de Avaliação de Impacte Ambiental. Edição da Universidade Aberta, nº 273, Lisboa.

·  Nuno Videira, Inês Alves e Rui Subtil (2005). Instrumentos de Apoio à Gestão Ambiental. Edição da Universidade Aberta, nº 294, Vol 1. Lisboa.

·  Nuno Videira, Inês Alves e Rui Subtil (2007). Instrumentos de Apoio à Gestão Ambiental. Edição da Universidade Aberta, nº298, Vol 2. Lisboa.

·  Paulo Cadete Ferrão (2009). Ecologia Industrial. Princípios e ferramentas. Instituto Superior Técnico Press. Lisboa.

·  Maria do Rosário Partidário. (2003). Guia para Avaliação Estratégica de Impactes em Ordenamento do Território. Colecção Estudos 9. DGOTDU.

·  Outros materiais a disponibilizar na plataforma de Elearning.

E-learning (completamente online)

A avaliação tem caráter individual e implica a coexistência de duas modalidades: avaliação contínua (60%) e avaliação final (40%). Essa avaliação será desenvolvida na aplicação de formas diversificadas, definidas no Contrato de Aprendizagem da unidade curricular.