Degree in Management (LGVR)
Cod: 61088
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Management
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course aims to provide the foundations of knowledge management in organizations beyond information systems. A critical approach will also be adopted with regard to the notions of knowledge, the knowledge economy and management, the knowledge society, the innovation economy and organizational change in order to build the different elements of knowledge management. The topics studied will be: the three generations of knowledge management, from information to knowledge, knowledge networks, change management and knowledge management, creativity and learning, knowledge management tools, the human dimension of knowledge management and complexity and knowledge management. The course will also include a case analysis section.

Knowledge economy


Knowledge management


Knowledge creation


Knowledge transfer

 Understand the workings of the knowledge economy and the critical functions and dimensions of knowledge management in organizations.




Understand what is meant by the function of knowledge management in different organizational contexts;


Make diagnoses and carry out an informed analysis of the knowledge management system;


Propose organizational improvements.

1. foundations of knowledge management


2. knowledge management and organizational change


3. knowledge transfer


4.Knowledge management - A case study


5. knowledge management topics


6. organizational theory and knowledge management

1. António Eduardo Martins, Albino Lopes, (2012). Capital Intelectual e Gestão Estratégica de Recursos Humanos,

Editora RH.

2. António Eduardo Martins, & Marc Jacquinet, (2018). Gestão do Conhecimento. In Dicionário em Educação e

Empreendedorismo. Lisboa: Editora Gradiva.

3. José Moleiro Martins, (2018). Gestão do Conhecimento, Lisboa: Edições Silabo.

4. Melovi´c, B., Dabic, M., Vukcevic, M., Cirovic, D., & Backovic, T. (2021). Strategic business decision making: the

use and relevance of marketing metrics and knowledge management. Journal of Knowledge Management.

5. Arzubiaga, U., De Massis, A., Kammerlander, N., & Hoy, F. (2022). Knowledge management in family firms:

opening the black box and suggestions for future research. OURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Good user skills: Word processor; Internet.


The basic texts are written in Portuguese, but it is desirable that the student has a command of the English language in order to be able to use books and


complementary texts