Formação Avançada em Arte e Comunicação Digital
Cod: 23052
Department: DCET
ECTS: 30
Scientific area: Digital Media Art
Total working hours: 760
Total contact time: 267

This UC aims to provide students with a space to open up creative horizons, where technology hybridizes with science and art, providing them with access to a significant set of technologies and technological artistic areas in a theoretical and practical environment, in order to allow them to identify and select the areas of interest for their Digital Media-Art Projects. It also aims at a greater pedagogical objective, which is to guide the student through various thematic areas of knowledge and technology, with a view to identifying their areas of interest for future development in the thesis. Students will also be asked to develop a detailed State of the Art Study focusing on the modules used/to be used to build the digital media art project and the thesis proposal.

Digital Art
Digital Communication
Artistic artefacts

Upon completion of this learning unit the student should be able to:
- Have historical knowledge of transdisciplinarity associated with projects that cross Art, Science and Technology;
- Recognize the importance of the various sub-areas identified for computer art; in the design and implementation of computer applications that can be integrated into computational art artifacts;
- Identify, classify and integrate the principles, main models, algorithms and techniques of the various technological sub-areas to develop computational art;
- Identify, analyze, categorize and evaluate available technology, and apply it in the development of experimental artefacts of computational art.
- Develop a State of the Art study in a relevant scientific area.

This curricular unit unfolds in the different subject areas of technology and computational art identified. The student will have to attend a minimum of five modules of these sub-areas and complete the mandatory modules, totaling 30 credits. The program comprises the various modules each in a particular sub-area covering the following topics:
1) Fundamentals: concepts, principles, objectives and main motivation;
2) Reflection: experimentation and personal and group reflection on the subjects, approaches and impacts; The curricular unit contemplates the realization in parallel of a State of the Art Study where the acquired knowledge will be applied:
3) State of the Art Study, to be integrated into the Thesis Project Plan, within the scope of the UC Thesis Planning, presented and defended in person during the doctoral retreat. Finally, the UC will also supply practical knowledge to the Digital Media-Art Projects developed within the scope of the Research and Artistic Production Seminar

• Tavares, M. e Boto, S. (coord.). (2018). Digital Culture – A State of the Art. Coimbra: Grácio.
 • Manovich L. (2020). Cultural Analytics. Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 
• Silva, B. e Sales, A. (Cord.) (2015). Poéticas Contemporâneas - Arte e Tecnologia. Fortaleza: Edições Universidade Federal do Ceará.
 • Machado, Arlindo (2008). Arte e Mídia. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Sahar. 
• Santaella, Lúcia (2003). Culturas e artes do pós-humano. São Paulo: Ed. Paulus. 
• Raposo, P. (2015). “Artivismo”: articulando dissidências, criando insurgências. Cadernos de arte e antropologia, 4(2), 3-12. 
• Borges, Gabriela et al. (2019). A construção de mundos ficcionais pelo fandom Limantha, de Malhação: Viva a Diferença. In: A construção de mundos na ficção televisiva brasileira. Porto Alegre, Sulinas

The evaluation of this learning unit encompasses a continuous dimension based on the quality of the questions and problems that the student poses to the teacher/class; carrying out the proposed tasks in each module, as well as participating in the discussion in the forums. Through this dimension, the student must ensure frequency (success) of the three mandatory modules and the five optional modules. The State of the Art Study carried out during the academic year will determine its quantitative classification, after being assessed in a public exam, during the doctoral retreat

Given the theoretical nature of the learning unit, the teaching/learning process should follow an approach based on individual work assignments in the form of an intensive study of the area and its respective state of the art, and the participation, in virtual classroom, in the online collaborative learning process based on the discussion and critical analysis of the various topics of study. The teacher conducts online tutoring orientation sessions to focus the study effort