Fonética, Fonologia e Morfologia do Português
Cod: 51154
Department: DH
Scientific area: Linguistics
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit studies further about the organization and operation of the Portuguese sound structure. It provides basic knowledge on Phonetics that contributes to the study of Portuguese sound structures specific organization in segmental and suprasegmental terms. The identification, characterization and analysis of Portuguese phonological processes lead to the acquisition of complex knowledge, in which phonetics, phonology and even morphology interact dynamically.
This course unit provides thus a broad analytical approach to the organization of internal structure of words (division, identification and characterization of the properties of its constituents) and on the processes of word formation (derivation, composition and processes of lexical innovation) available in this language. It also pays attention to the dynamic interactive relation of morphology with the lexicon.

  1. Phonetics
  2. Phonology
  3. Morphology
  4. Lexicon

Students are expected:
• to develop reflection and analysis competences concerning the structure and functioning of the Portuguese language, particularly in what concerns its sound structure and its functioning at word-level unit;
• to recognize and feature different levels of phonetic and phonological analysis;
• to acquired knowledge regarding identification, description and classification of sounds in Portuguese, as well as their intrinsic structural organization;
• to acquire knowledge on the organization of the internal structure of words and the processes of morphological training available in Portuguese;
• to apply critically the acquired knowledge for analysing different morphological structures;
• to recognize the close interactive relationship between phonology and morphology.

1. Introduction
2. Phonetics
2.1 Representation of continuous sound: International Phonetic Alphabet
2.2. Articulatory phonetics
2.3. Traditional articulatory classification
3. Phonology
3.1. Segments
3.2. Segments as sets of traces
3.3. Phonological processes
4. Prosody
4.1. Syllable
4.2. Accent syllable
4.3. Prosodic word and prosodic phrase
5. Morphology
5.1. Relations between morphology and lexicon
5.2. Morphological constituents
5.3. Word formation: affixation and composition
5.4. Phonological analysis of morphological processes

FARIA, I. Hub, PEDRO, E., DUARTE, I. & C. Gouveia (orgs). Introdução à Linguística. Geral e Portuguesa. Lisboa: Caminho, 1996.
LADEFOGED, P., A Course in Phonetics. 4th edition. New York: Harcourt Brace Publishers, 2001.
LIEBERMAN, P. & S. BLUMSTEIN, Speech Physiology, Speech Perception and Acoustic Phonetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
MATEUS, M. H. M., BRITO, A. M., DUARTE, I. FARIA, I. H. et alii. Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. 6ª edição, revista e aumentada. Lisboa: Caminho, 2004.
MATEUS, Maria Helena; FALÉ, Isabel & Maria João FREITAS, Fonética e Fonologia do Português, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, 2005.
VILLALVA, A. Morfologia do Português. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 2008.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).