Estudos Interartes de Expressão Portuguesa
Cod: 51156
Department: DH
Scientific area: Literary Studies
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit seeks to provide the students with a set of reflections and reading instruments (essentially semoitic) relevant to different discursive productions (literary, musical, cinematographic, pictorial). The students will be expected to develop skills that will allow them to identify the relations betwee literature and other arts of Portuguese expression, especially in the fields of literature, music, cinema and painting. Special attention will be granted to works such as A Costa dos Murmúrios, O último voo do Flamingo and Cidade de Deus; to figures such as Almada Negreiros and Tarsila do Amaral; to experimental poetry and interpreters of Portuguese poetry, such as Amália Rodrigues, Marisa, Camané, Trovante, Manuel Freire, Sérgio Godinho, José Maria Branco, José Afonso, Rui Veloso, Vitorino, Janita Salomé, Vinícius de Moraes, Chico Buarque, Maria Bethânia and Caetano Veloso, among others.

Artistic production/creation

This course unit seeks to provide students with general skills in the literary, cultural and artistic production, from a broad, cultural and academic perspective, both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. As such, the goal will be to allow students to develop a set of general competences within the literary, artistic and general cultural fields, in accordance with pluridiscursive, cultural and academic perspective. Privileging a comparative and dialogical (in the Bakhtinian sense) methodology, a reflection on the relation between certain literary and artistic productions will be undertaken, as (and especially) on some of the more important fundamental esthetic principles that have explained and legitimated the relation between literature and the other arts of Portuguese expression, with special attention afforded to the 20th century.

Literature and other arts: the objects and boundaries of the relationship; literature and other arts: encounters and transpositions; literature and the debate on the esthetic theory of art; literary creation/production and artistic creation/production; Ut pictura poesis; literature and music; literature and cinema; literature and painting.


BRUNEL, P.; CHEVREL, Y.[Dir.] (1989) - Précis de Littérature Comparée, Paris,P.U.F.

PAGEAUX, D-H. (1994) - «Littérature et Arts», La littérature générale et comparée,Paris, Armand Colin Éd.,pp.149-167.

SILVA, V. M. A.(1990) - Teoria e Metodologia Literárias, Lx, Univ. Aberta (Cap 7)

STEINER,G. (1993) - Presenças Reais, Lx,Presença.



ADORNO, Th. W. (s/d) -Teoria Estética, Lx,Ed.70.

BENJAMIN,W. (1985) - «A Obra de Arte na Era da sua Reprodução Técnica», Estéticas do Cinema, Lx,D.Quixote,pp.15-49. BOURDIEU,P. (1996) - As Regras da Arte. Génese eEstrutura do Campo Literário, Lx, Presença. CHATMAN, Seymour (1978) -Story and discourse: Narrative structure in fiction and film,Ithaca-London, Cornell Univ Press. ECO,U. (1981) - A definição da arte, Lx,Ed.70. GENETTE, G. (1994) - L’Oeuvrede l’art – Immanence et transcendence, Paris, Éd.Seuil.

VILAMAIOR, D.(2001) - Literatura emDiscurso(s), Coimbra, Pé de Página.

VILA MAIOR, Dionísio (2008) - «Fernando Pessoa: um diálogo com a Lusofonia”, in Actas do Colóquio “Diálogos com aLusofonia” (realizado na Universidade de Varsóvia, em 10 e 11 de Dezembro de2007), Varsóvia, Secção de Estudos Luso-brasileiros do Instituto de EstudosIbéricos e Iberoamericanos da Universidade de Varsóvia, pp.449-467 (


Note) It will be advised, eventually, some bibliography in English, French,Spanish and/or Italian.

Note) It will, ever, advised to read some texts, the viewing of some films andlistening to some musics (or videos)


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

It required theuse of a computer with broadband connection to the Internet. It will be advised, eventually, some bibliography inEnglish, French, Spanish and/or Italian.