Estética e Teoria da Arte
Cod: 31015
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Philosophy
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit deals with theoretical problems related with Aesthetics and Art Theories from Ancient History to the XVIth century. A first theme basis  will the controversy that encircles the philosophical concept of beauty and the aesthetics experience. Further, this course will go on a journey through the most important periods and theories. Along with these concerns, it will examine the ideas of problematization about the art-object, that ground the Artistic Theory.

Art Theory

Communicating correctly and fluently in Portuguese;
Learning how to learn, using work methodologies tailored and adapted to the concerned área;
Ability to understand the changes regarding the concept of Art;
Ability to understand the changes regarding the concept of Aesthetic and Aesthetic Experience;
Ability to acquire knowledge, reflection and problematization of the theoretical cases related to the Beauty and the Artistic Theory between the Antiquity and the sixteenth century, through the authors and fundamental theories;
Ability to reflect on the issues of aesthetics, artistic work and the place of art between Antiquity and the end of the 16th century;
Capacity to use and apply the contents learned to other areas of art knowledge;
Understanding and dealing with complex, contradictory, incomplete or limited ideas and information.

1 Theme
What is art: the aesthetic experience, art as communication, art as intentional aesthetic production, the art form.
2 Theme
Aesthetics and Theory of Art between antiquity and the Middle Ages: the concept of art from Classical Antiquity and Middle Ages.
3 Theme
Aesthetics and Theory of Medieval Art: the art concept during the Middle Ages; art theory and the System of the Arts during the Middle Ages; the anonymous artist and qualities of materials; some medieval theorists; essential artistic medieval literature; the form and content in Medieval Aesthetics.
4 Theme
The dawn of the Renaissance: on the theory of Quattrocento art on the Beautiful between the fourteenth century and the dawn of the modern age.
5 Theme 
The Renaissance world: the concept oh art during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; the philosophical environment of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries;  the theory of art in the Renaissance.
6 Theme
The late sixteenth century

GONÇALVES, Carla Alexandra, Estética e Teoria da Arte: sobre o mundo e o entendimento da Arte e do Belo entre a Antiguidade e o século XVI, Livro de Apoio em versão PDF, ed. de autor, 2012.
Recommended Books:
BAYER, Raymond, História da Estética. Lisboa: Ed. Presença, 1995;
CARCHIA, Gianni; D’ANGELO, Paolo (coord.), Dicionário de Estética. Lisboa: Ed. 70, 2003;
HUISMAN, Denis, A Estética, Col. Biblioteca Básica de Filosofia. Lisboa: Edições 70, 1984;
MARASCH, Moshe, Teorias del arte, De Paltón a Wincklemann, trad. Fabiola Salcedo Garcés. Madrid: Alianza Forma, 2006;
TOWNSEND, Dabney, Introdução à Estética, História, Correntes, Teorias, trad. Paula Mourão. Lisboa: Ed. 70, 2002.
(NOTE: Students will be recommended specific readings for each topic during the semester)


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Students are required to have access to a computer with Internet connection and an e-mail address as well as to have computer literacy from the users' perspective.
Language(s) of Instruction: Portuguese.