Estatística para as Ciências Sociais
Cod: 21044
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Mathematics
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

Nowadays we are increasingly confronted with statistical analysis of various types of data (poll ratings, average living standards of a given population, etc.). Simultaneously, there is a need to know how to interpret and evaluate statistical results. In this context, the course Statistics for the Social Sciences presents itself as an introduction to Statistics and Probability Theory, are analyzed and studied the main aspects and concepts inherent in both theories: description and data processing of an observation, notion of population, introduction to probability calculation characterization of distributions and their indicators of location, dispersion and shape. We also explore data analysis and representation with statistical software

Data Analysis, representation and reduction
Descriptive Statistics
Correlation and Regression

It is expected that by completing this course, student should be able to:
-  Recognize the role and importance of statistics to aid the processing and analyzing data;
-  Organize statistical data;
-  Perform statistical analysis within the themes addressed.

1. Definition of population and sample. Problems associated with data acquisition;
2. Analysis, representation and data reduction;
3. Sample characteristics. Measures of location and dispersion;
4. Bivariate data. Correlation and regression;
5. Probability.

Elizabeth Reis (2009): Estatística Descritiva, Edições Silabo, 7ª edição
Francisco Mercês de Mello, Rita Cabral Guimarães (2015): Métodos Estatísticos para o Ensino e a Investigação nas Ciências da Saúde, Edições Silabo
Graça Martins, M. E., Cerveira, A. G. (1999):  Introdução às Probabilidades e à Estatística. Universidade Aberta,  nº 174


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Universidade Aberta has SPSS academic licenses for personal computers (free for students), in case this software is adopted.