Cod: 51185
Department: DH
Scientific area: Language
Total working hours: 150
Total contact time: 45

The Spanish IV course is aimed at students who wish to consolidate the knowledge already acquired. The four communicative skills (oral and written, auditory and reading) as well as the ability to understand grammatical topics at level B1.2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages will be developed.



It is intended that, at the end of this Course, the student will be able to:

  • Understand the main ideas in more complex texts on concrete and abstract subjects, including discussions in their area of expertise.
  • Communicate with a certain degree of spontaneity with native speakers without tension on either side.
  • Express yourself clearly on a variety of topics and explain a point of view on a current topic, explaining the advantages and disadvantages.

  • Organization and cohesion of discourse: discursive markers according to level B1.
  • Personal pronouns: general review of the use and placement of clitics.
  • Temporal agreement and equivalences of simple and compound tenses between Spanish and Portuguese, with special reference to conjunctive tenses.
  •  Sociolinguistics: differences of register.
  • Pragmatics: courtesy and modalization (intensification and attenuation).


Sans Baluenas, N., Martín Peris, E., Garmendia, A. & Conejo, E. (2017). Bitácora IV, Nueva Edición: Difusión.

Alonso Raya, R., Castañeda Castro, A., Martínez Gila, P., Miquel López, L., Ortega Olivares, J. & Ruiz Campillo, J. P. (2005). Gramática básica del estudiante de español (A1-B1): Difusión. 

VV.AA. (2006). Clave- Diccionario de uso del español actual. Sm.


The mandatory evaluation method is continuous assessment.
Continuous Assessment:
– 40%: work carried out throughout the semester, corresponding to two e-Folios (e-Folio A and e-Folio B), submitted via the virtual classroom.
– 60%: Completion of a final written assignment, referred to as the e-Folio Global.