Educação e Literacias ao Longo da Vida
Cod: 11066
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

In this course unit the evolution of the concept of literacy over time is dealt with taking into account the social and cultural needs facing the citizens of the 21st century. The notions of literacy, scientific literacy and technological literacy from the perspective of action and informed intervention of individuals in their daily lives and in society in general are also exploited. Concerning the literacy situation particular attention is given to the Portuguese context, by analysing the results of studies conducted over the 20th century.

  1. Education
  2. Literacy
  3. Schooling
  4. Social Development

• Distinguishing the concepts of literacy, schooling and literacy and framing them in their historical context.
• Distinguishing and featuring different types of literacy.
• Relating the concepts of literacy, literacy and schooling.
• Analysing the relationship among literacy, citizenship and development.
• Synthesising, discussing and presenting acquired knowledge.
• Considering suitable activities to promote literacy in different contexts.

1. Education and Literacy
1.1 The general concept of literacy and its evolution through time
1.2 Cultural practices of literacy
2. Literacy and development
2.1 Literacy place in modern societies and its different dimensions
2.2 Different types of literacy: literacy, numeracy, technological literacy, scientific litercay, visual literacy
2.3 The role of schools in litercay development: the case of the Portuguese society
3. Literacy and citizenship
3.1 Social participation and education
3.2 Critical literacy

Chagas, Isabel (2002) Literacia Científica. O grande desafio para a escola (Comunicação apresentada no 1º Encontro Nacional de Investigação e Formação, Globalização e Desenvolvimento Profissional do Professor. Disponível na World Wide Web.
Delgado-Martins, M. R., Ramalho, G. & Costa, A (2000) Literacia e Sociedade. Contribuições pluridisciplinares. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho (cap. IV).
Gomes, Maria do Carmo (2005) Percursos de Literacia. Em Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, nº 47, pp. 69-97.
Kellner, D. & Share, J (2008) Educação para a literacia crítica da midia, democracia radical e a reconstrução da educação. Em Educação e Sociedade, V. 19, nº 104, pp. 687-715.
Vieira, N. (2008) As Literacias e o Uso Responsável da Internet. Observatório (OBS*) Journal, 5, 193-209.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).