Educação Aberta e a Distância
Cod: 11010
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

In this course unit the concept of distance education and its evolution is addressed: the concepts of e-learning, blended learning, mobile learning, online education resources and open are defined. Also, the concepts of independent learning and cooperative and collaborative learning are featured and the teacher's role is analysed taking into consideration these strategies. Some possible technological tools to develop e-learning programs are exemplified considering their advantages and disadvantages. Learning environments and the general design of training programs in e-learning are also analysed.

  • Distance Education
  • Elearning
  • Online Education
  • Learning Environments

Applying the concepts of blended learning, e-learning and online learning in live cases.
Featuring and selecting learning strategies suitable to the above referred to learning modes.
Featuring the teacher 's role according to the addressees and the strategies chosen for a specific program in Distance Learning.
Analysing advantages and disadvantages of technological tools according to the objectives of a training program.
Analysing critically a training program at a distance, considering its choice of technological tools and teaching methods and its relationship with the addressees and the training objectives.

1. Distance education and open education.
2. Teaching and learning at a distance.
3. Designing a distance study programme.

• J. Vermeersch (coord.). (2006). Iniciação ao Ensino a Distância, Brussel, Het Gemeenschasonderwijs.
• Morgado, L. (2011). Desafios emergentes para o ensino aberto a distância: bloqueios e oportunidades, Lisboa, no prelo.
• Morgado, L. (2011). Dispositivo  interativo de tecnologias a usar para  educação aberta e a distância. Lisboa.
• Morgado. L. (2005). Novos papéis para o Professor/Tutor na Pedagogia Online, Vidigal & Vidigal (Ed.)  Educação, Aprendizagem e Tecnologia: Um Paradigma para professores do Século XXI. pp. 95-120, Lisboa: Ed. Sílabo.
• Morgado. L. (2003). Os novos desafios do tutor a distância, Revista Discursos,  Nº Especial, nº  77-89.
• Morgado, L. (2001). O papel do professor em contextos online: problemas e virtualidades, Revista Discursos  nº 3, pp125-138. [Repositório da Universidade Aberta].
Moore, M., Kearlsley, G. (2007). Educação a Distância – uma visão integrada. Thomson.
R.M. Barbosa (Org). (2005). Ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, Artmed.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Esta u.c. pressupõe o trabalho em equipas com base em ferramentas colaborativas.
Será desejável a frequência desta unidade curricular na modalidade de avaliação contínua e um activo envolvimento por parte dos participantes.