Economia Regional
Cod: 61010
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Economics
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit aims at:

• introducing the regional development issue;
• studying theories of location of industry and services
• studying theories  of the formation of urban systems
• studying models and theories of regional development and economic growth
• reviewing policy and planning paying special attention to the national and European regional policy.

  1. Regional Development
  2. Models and Theories
  3. Regional Policy
  4. Regional Planning

• Analysis and understanding of the functioning of the economy in space.
• Acquisition of the grounding theoretical bases to location and urban systems.
• Acquisition of the grounding theoretical bases to regional growing and development.
• Analysis of regional planning as an implementation process of policies.
• Analysis of European Union regional policy.

The course unit program is divided into four parts:

1 - Issues on Regional Development

2 – Location and urban systems theory
•    Industry location
•    Services location
•    Spatial competition
•    The formation of urban systems
•    Cities of tomorrow
3 - Theory and models of regional growth
•    Models of regional growth
•    Models of convergence / divergence
•    New economic geography
•    Theories of innovation based on territory
•    Revisiting theories of regional development

4 - Policy and Planning
•    Policy and planning of regional development - the Portuguese case
•    Regional policy in the European Union

Required (acquisition by the student))

•    SILVA Costa, José; NIJKAMP, Peter (Coord.) (2009). Compêndio de Economia Regional (Vol I) Teoria, Temáticas e Políticas.  Principia Editora.

Required (available in the virtual classroom)

COMUNICAÇÃO DA COMISSÃO (2021) relativa ao oitavo relatório sobre a coesão - a coesão na Europa no horizonte de 2050

•    Comissão Europeia (2014) Política Regional- Tornar as regiões e as cidades da Europa mais competitivas, promover o crescimento e criar emprego. Coleção «Compreender melhor a UE». ISBN: 978-92-79-41302-5.
•    Comissão Europeia (2011) Cidades de Amanhã Desafios, visões e perspectivas. Politica Regional.



Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

The book “Compêndio de Economia Regional can be purchased online at: