Curadoria e Intervenção Artística Digital
Cod: 23056
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Digital Media Art
Total working hours: 130
Total contact time: 30

The LU aims to provide spaces for experimentation in curation and digital artistic intervention in community and culturally rich contexts. The focus will be on the collective construction of a proposal of curatorship and on the subjects that produce artistic objects and on the dynamics of reception and enjoyment, with the consequent concrete practice of intervention-action through art.

Digital Media Art Curating
Artistic Intervention
Curatorial Project

Upon completion of this LU the student will be able to:
− Identify the issues, main techniques and challenges that arise in the construction of a curatorial project, with special emphasis on digital media art curation;
− Identify the web of multidisciplinary concepts, methodologies / methods of action and artistic intervention through digital media art artefacts;
− Develop an artistic project of individual and collective curatorship and intervention that will highly explore the dynamics of reception and enjoyment, creating a special bond with the communities and culture local to the exhibition space, through digital media art artefacts

This LU places the focus on the complexity of the processes of curation and artistic intervention, the creation of objects, paths and artistic narratives in contemporary cultural contexts strongly dominated by digital media. The thematic cast to be developed highlights the following script:
1) Contemporary trends and main techniques in digital curation and the construction of artistic virtual spaces;
2) Challenges of artistic intervention in digital contemporaneity: techniques, limitations and challenges; competencies of agents and organizations of artistic change and innovation;
3) Project of curation and digital artistic intervention: plan and thematic organization in virtual space; action plan-intervention on the ground; proposals for adaptation to local characteristics of culture and communities as a means of maximizing the impact through the incorporation ethnographic and social elements; experimentation in the real social context of practices of artistic intervention; post-project feedback in the form of critical self-assessment. 

  • Arantes, P. (2019). Memória, Arquivo e Curadoria na Cultura Digital. Aurora. Revista de Arte, Mídia e Política, 12(34), 95-109. 
 • Barranha, H., Martins, S., & Ribeiro, A.P. (Eds.) (2015). Museus sem Lugar: Ensaios, Manifestos e Diálogos em Rede. Instituto de História da Arte, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, em cooperação com a Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento - Universidade de Lisboa, e o Programa Gulbenkian Próximo Futuro - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, no âmbito do projecto unplace. ISBN: 978-989-99192-4-2 
• Dalcol, F. (2019). Artista enquanto curador: das convergências e dissoluções entre práticas artísticas e curatoriais. MODOS, Revista de História da Arte, Campinas 3(1), 281-299. DOI: 10.24978/mod.v3i1.4117.
• Gasparetto, D., Lima, A., Casimiro, G., Boelter, V., & Santos, N. (2015). Factors1. 0–“Curadoria” compartilhada, modos expositivos e as experiências em arte digital. 24º Encontro da ANPAP – Compartilhamentos na Arte: Redes e Conexões, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil.
• Graham, B., & Cook, S. (2010). Rethinking Curating: Art after New Media. Leonardo Books. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. ISBN: 978- 0-262-01388-8 
• Paul, Christiane. (2008). New Media in the White Cube and Beyond: Curatorial Models for Digital Art. Berkeley: University of California Press. 
• Stewart, P. A. & Richter, D. (Eds.) (2020). Curating the Digital: Curating and Art Practice: Contemporary Considerations on Automation, Place, and Digital Communication. oncurating. org, (45).
 • Veiga, P.A. (2020). O Museu de Tudo em Qualquer Parte: arte e cultura digital - inter-ferir e curar. Coleção Humanitas, Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação. Coimbra: Grácio Editor. ISBN: 978-989-9023-25-3


The evaluation of this learning unit encompasses a continuous dimension based on the quality of the questions and problems that the student poses to the teacher/class; carrying out the proposed tasks in each module, as well as participating in the discussion in the forums. Through this dimension, the student must ensure frequency (success) of the three mandatory modules and the five optional modules. The State of the Art Study carried out during the academic year will determine its quantitative classification, after being assessed in a public exam, during the doctoral retreat.

Given the theoretical nature of the learning unit, the teaching/learning process should follow an approach based on individual work assignments in the form of an intensive study of the area and its respective state of the art, and the participation, in virtual classroom, in the online collaborative learning process based on the discussion and critical analysis of the various topics of study. The teacher conducts online tutoring orientation sessions to focus the study effort