Conceitos Fundamentais de Química
Cod: 21022
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 26

Chemistry is the science that focuses on matter in its broader sense, having a wide system of concepts. It is different, for instance, from mineralogy or from pharmacy. The concepts of Chemistry are generically applied to the empirical world, explaining it. And this, because Chemistry in its nucleus continues to investigate systematically the specific relational structure of the chemical estates and of the chemical substances, which decides the logical structure of the chemical knowledge in all its cognitive levels.
This course unit of introductory level aims at developing and highlighting the relation between the estates of the chemical systems to the macroscopic scale (resultant of the observation) and to the microscopic level (necessary to the interpretation of the phenomena). The specification of this general objective is only possible through the understanding of fundamental concepts of thermodynamics, kinetic and structure of the matter. These concepts, that naturally are part of other scientific disciplines, where will occasionally be deepened according to the requirements of the respective areas, allow the construction of a solid base of scientific knowledge.

1- Chemistry and the Properties of Matter
2- Chemical Balance
3- Termodynamics Concepts
4- Organic Chemistry Concepts

• Understanding and knowing how to explain natural phenomena based on chemical knowledge.
• Applying scientific knowledge in daily situations.
• Understanding the importance of chemistry main concepts.
• Searching, selecting and organising information to become knowledge applicable to phenomena of everyday life.
• Adopting suitable scientific strategies in solving problems and decision making.
• Planning and managing time.
• Developing self-training and objectivity competences.

• Introductory concepts: nature of substances, constitution of matter, studies of solutions.
• Kinds of chemical reactions: acid-base, oxi-reduction, precipitation.
• Energy of Chemical reactions.
• Chemical equilibrium: definition, acid-base and of solubility.
• Basic notions of Chemical Kinetics.
• Organic chemistry: terminology.

Learning materials will be displayed online at the e-learning platform.
The following readings are recommended:
P. W. Atkins & J. de Paula, Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2002).
Chang, R., Química, 5 ed, McGraw Hill (1995).


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).