Comunicação Intercultural
Cod: 41016
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Psychology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

The Course of Intercultural Communication aims to provide knowledge, understanding and critical analysis of basic concepts of theoretical / conceptual and methodological nature relating to communication, cultural diversity, intercultural and factors, dynamics and processes that can hinder or facilitate the relationship and communication between individuals and groups of different cultures. It emphasized the dimensions and psychological and pedagogical assumptions important in education and development of attitudes, strategies and skills that promote harmonious and effective intercultural relations and communication and applicable in different contexts of intervention, particularly in the social, educational, labor, legal, religious , political or health. It accentuated the importance of awareness , understanding and knowledge in communication and intercultural skills to know how to live , communicate and intervene in the current multicultural societies characterized by increasing complexity , heterogeneity , conflict and globalization.

Processes and features of communication
Culture, interculturalism and intercultural communication
Factors and processes facilitating or hindering relations and intercultural communication
Intercultural competence

- Acquisition of knowledge about the characteristics , processes and communication strategies , especially intercultural communication , and on mechanisms and individual and collective factors that influence relations and intercultural communication.
- Domain principles and assumptions inherent in the education and development of attitudes and skills that promote interpersonal relationships, intercultural communication and appropriate between individuals and groups of different cultures, as well as in the management of identities, conflict and communication intercultural .
-Development of theoretical skills, conceptual, methodological and instrumental for further research and a more competent and innovative intervention in the area of intercultural communication in different domains.
- Promoting awareness and critical reflection on the importance of intercultural communication and the challenges faced by professionals and citizens to socialize, communicate and work in today's society characterized by increasing multiculturalism, diversity, conflict and globalization.
-Ability to devise and implement plans and intervention strategies promoting intercultural communication, especially in contexts characterized by cultural diversity , conflict , complexity or emergency

  • I. Intercultural communication and importance in contemporary society
    II. Processes , Features and Communication Aspects
    III.Culture, Cultural Diversity, Intercultural Relations and Intercultural Communication
    IV. Principles, processes and individual and collective factors , psychological , educational, cultural, social and technological , favorable to the development of attitudes, strategies and skills promoters of intercultural communication
    V.Major conflicts and difficulties in intercultural relations and communication.
    VI.Intercultural skills, intercultural communication and intervention contexts
    VII. Intervention methodologies and research in the field of intercultural communication.

Ladmiral, J., Lipiansky, E. (1989). La communication Interculturelle. Paris, A. Colin.
Ramos, N. (2001). Comunicação, Cultura e Interculturalidade: Para uma Comunicação Intercultural. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia. (35,2): 155-178.
Ramos, N. (2007). Comunicação e interculturalidade nos cuidados de saúde. Psychologica. 45: 147-169.
Ramos, N. (2009). Educar e formar na sociedade multi/intercultural. Contributos para a comunicação intercultural e cidadania”. In G. Machado & N. Sobral (org) CONEXÕES – Educação, Comunicação, Inclusão e Interculturalidade. Porto Alegre: Redes Editora, p. 15-37.
Ramos, N. (2009). Diversidade Cultural, Educação e Comunicação Intercultural. Políticas e Estratégias de Promoção do Diálogo Intercultural. Revista Educação em Questão, v. 34, n. 20, CCSA, Natal, UFRN: 9- 32
Ramos, N. (2011). Educar para a interculturalidade e cidadania: princípios e desafios. In L. Alcoforado et al. Educação e Formação de Adultos. Políticas, Práticas e Investigação. Coimbra: Ed. Universidade de Coimbra. p. 189-200

Ramos, N. (2013). Interculturalidade(s) e Mobilidade(s) no espaço europeu: viver e comunicar entre culturas. The Overarching Issues of the European Space. Porto: Faculdade Letras Universidade do Porto: 343-360.   
 Ramos, N. (2013). Acolher e trabalhar com jovens entre culturas: contextos e competências interculturais. In T. Medeiros (Org.). Adolescência: Desafios e riscos. Ponta Delgada: E. Letras Lavadas, p. 107-135
Ramos, N. (2014). Conflitos interculturais no espaço europeu. Perspetivas de prevenção e intervenção. The overarching issues of the european space: the territorial diversity of opportunities in a scenario of crisis. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, p. 225-245.

(Further reading will be made available online in virtual class)

Online learning with continuous supervision favoring asynchronous communication (Moodle platform).
Students have to perform the tasks requested by the teacher: essays, critical recensions, reports, protocols, etc. All works will be evaluated and/or classified.

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

It is crucial that students consult frequently the couse in: