Comunicação Empresarial II
Cod: 31012
Department: DH
Scientific area: Management
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit describes:
•relational and identity issues of organizations with their direct and indirect publics;
•The characterization of organizations and the analysis of the visible aspects of its action;
•The strategic planning and the utility of manual of procedures.

Kinds of Communication
The Mix of Communication
Institutional Communication
Internal Communication

•Recognizing the legal nature of companies and functions that determine the type of functional and organizational structure.
•Distinguishing social codes and identity and courtesy signs.
•Selecting communication means: mix, in function of the company's resources and objectives.
•Adapting a professional attitude and behavior which will illustrate a good image of the organization or institution.

•The company: types, objective and functions. The company as a communication transmitter. Visual and cultural identity.
•Means of communication. Supports of international communication.
•The prominent public of companies. Indirect and direct public. External and internal public.
•Communication and Agent. Improve the communication to a personal and to a tactical level.

It is considered mandatory bibliography one that perhaps is recommended as required reading in the study materials.


The mandatory evaluation method is continuous assessment.
Continuous Assessment:
– 40%: work carried out throughout the semester, corresponding to two e-Folios (e-Folio A and e-Folio B), submitted via the virtual classroom.
– 60%: Completion of a final written assignment, referred to as the e-Folio Global.