Biodiversidade e Conservação
Cod: 21011
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Biological Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 26

The focus of Biodiversity and Conservation 21011 is on Biodiversity (concepts, biological diversity characterization, threats, valuation, strategies and indicators), Conservation Biology and Ecosystem Services.
In this course are identified,  discussed and explained the Biodiversity Conservation strategies and methodologies, Legislation and Conventions, Protected Habitats and Species, Nature Conservation and Biodiversity in Portugal and in the European Union and Protected Areas.

1. Biodiversity
2. Ecosystem Services
3. Conservation

It is intended that at the end of this Curricular Unit/Course, students should be able to:
1. Knowing, understand and apply the Concepts about Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services;
2. Describing and explain the major argumentation about Species and Habitats Conservation;
3. Describing and explain the major argumentation about Biodiversity Conservation;
4. Explain the threats to Biodiversity;
5. Knowing Species and Habitats Conservation Priorities;
6. Knowing Species Conservation Strategies;
7. Knowing the Instruments and Nature and Species Conservation Policies in Portugal and European Union;
8. Recognising that Biodiversity is the very basis of the Territory Management Plans and Economic Activities.

1. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. The Study and Biodiversity Conservation (Concepts, Quantification, Threats, Valuation, Ecosystem Services and Conservation).
2. Biodiversity: Indicators, Strategies and Instruments (the European Union Strategies, Indicators, the Portuguese Situation).
3. Conservation (Nature Conservation Strategies, Legislation and Conventions, Protected Areas, Red Lists, Natura 2000 as the centrepiece of EU nature & biodiversity policy, Birds Sites and Habitats Sites, biogeographical regions).

Mendes Palma, F. (Coord.) 2008. Ganhar com a Biodiversidade – Oportunidades de Negócio em Portugal. Actual Editora. 254 Pp.
Wilson, E.O., 1997. A diversidade da vida. Ciência Aberta. Gradiva Publicações, Lisboa.
More information and documentation provided online in the Curricular Unit webpage.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).