Libraries and Education
Cod: 11007
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

In this course unit the educational role of libraries, especially of public libraries and school libraries is studied and analised. It begins by analising national and international documents that put into perspective and guide the organization and functions of libraries in society, giving particular attention to those aspects that refer to the formative and educational role of libraries.

  • Training
  • Literacy

In the end, students are expected to be able to

  • know the main national and international documents that guide the actions of public and school libraries;
  • recognize the educational and training role of libraries in contemporary society;
  • reflect on the main areas in which libraries assume their educational and training role.


1. Libraies and education: main concepts
    1.1 Public library and education
    1.2 School library and education
2. Libraries, cultural inclusion and promotion
    2.1 Libraries and citizenship
    2.2 Libraries and cultural promotion
3. Libraries and the society of knowledge
    3.1 Libraries and lifelong learning: new literacies
    3.2 Libraries and digital inclusion

Texts and official documents available online.

AA.VV, 2005, Actas do Encontro Bibliotecas para a Vida: Literacia, conhecimento, cidadania, Biblioteca Pública de Évora, 27-29 de Outubro.
Calixto, José António, 1996, A biblioteca escolar e a sociedade da informação, Lisboa, Caminho.
Häggström, Britt Marie (ed.), 2004, The Role of Libraries in Lifelong Learning, Final report of the IFLA project under the Section for Public Libraries.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Students are required to have basic reading and understanding competences in French and English.