Antropologia Geral
Cod: 41098
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Anthropology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

Anthropology is not a science of distant and exotic societies or small communities, neither single nor closed societies. Its interested is in the human being  (άνθρωπος  -  anthropos)  as the object of study (λόγος, logos), knowledge, and speech. The subject institutionalized as science in the nineteenth century and followed the European colonial, industrial, scientific and technological expansion, focusing on the so-called "primitive" societies or "distant", in order to, as in a laboratory situation; understand the “complex” organization of its own society. After decolonization, anthropology returns to the countries where it originates, but also remains in these anthropological grounds arguing, in either place, the relations and comparisons between societies, their relevance and contemporaneity. This course will cover in an introductory way the fundamental concepts of Social and Cultural Anthropology, its contexts, its integrative dimension and some of their fields of study. We will focus in anthropology for our times, anthropology in contemporary societies without fail to explore its historical dimension and its methodological tools.

Contemporany anthropology
Anthropological Theories
Applied anthropology
Anthropology fields of study

Students should be able:
•    annalise and interpret the complexity of cultural diversity in today's world;
•    contextualize and generate theoretical knowledge based on ethnographic data;
•    recognize and understand the processes of (re) production and social transformation in human interactions.
•    • identify and explain the applied dimension of   anthropology in contemporary societies.

1. The field and the method of anthropology
1.2. Anthropology and the understanding of the contemporary world
1.2 The method of anthropological research

2. Theories and anthropological practices
2.1 Classical theories and contemporary debates
2.2 Applied anthropological: between academia and practice

3. Fields and objects of social and cultural anthropology
3.1 Anthropology  and kinship
3.2 Anthropology and power

Sousa, Lúcio. 2018. Textos de Antropologia Geral. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. [available in the classroom]

Batalha, Luís. 2005. Antropologia – Uma perspectiva holística. Lisboa: ISCSP – UTL.
O`Neil, Brian. 2006. Antropologia Social – Sociedades complexas. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.  
Ribeiro, José. 2003. Métodos e técnicas de investigação em Antropologia. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.  
Sousa, Lúcio. 2014. “Antropologia aplicada: desenvolvimento, modelos de trabalho e desafios éticos”. In Revista VERITAS, Díli: Programa de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa da UNTL. Vol. 2, nº 4. pp. 81-97.
- specific resources will be provided in the online classroom for each theme.

Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).